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Shadow Empress (Book 1 of the Empress Series)

Chapter 3 The Royal Court

Word Count: 2554    |    Released on: 04/01/2023

onsort closed the door after she was i

asked with her eyes still c

hy little boy. Both the mother and son are fine." Elpis

e imperial consort nodded before she helped Elpis getting into her morning bath. After helping the empress scrubbing her

l night. Why are you here?

y. This is what I'm supposed to do." E

did a good job, France. The rest can come with us." Virtra no

doing today? It's rare for us to accompany you to any official social

ate about their fate now that they're under our control. And also ... I want to make sure that the court is completely under o

necessary bloodshed. You've done a great job, your majesty. If only ... if only p

seek peace for you and I did." Mirabel k

ok at you ... your wounds ... your beautiful body ... it all

o be so formal while we're in private." Elpis helped Mir

... I survived the whole ordeal. I just want to make you ... each and everyone of you

We shall impress those who look down on

she's a doctor, I don't see why you have to take the rest of them

yourself ready." The imperial consort obliged and went to the closet to get herself ready. Elpis

you clean my swo

rt. You really like to show your concubines in front of all the official

front of others. I even let you go out to town as much as you like. Do yo

enough yesterday? What if they see the mar

er eyes before opening the door for Elpis. As they walked towards th

elphine's situation but ... where's Lady France?" Elpis expl

efore the officials arrived." The empero

's going on?" Elpis asked her broth

hting each other. Good luck sister." Ragnar gave his sister two thumb

t. It wouldn't be nice for the queen to s

sy for me to act if something goes wrong." Rag

ell me you're joking, sister in la

ourt are filled with the empire's officials. Ministers from every dep

us. Not the other way around. How did you lead this

asked me to investigate about him not too long ago. Nothing seemed suspicious except for his connection.

s trouble among the righteous merchant and the underworld. Our people will greatly affected by th



he throne rather than the emperor? She got some nerve taking the emperor's

of the empire is EMPRESS Elpis of Galan? Emperor Ragnar was made emperor because of this empire's strict law. Only male could ascend the thro

mperor should do something. She's clearly has ulterior motiv

're going to get into trouble. Even I couldn't help you if you were summoned by th

My lord, are you okay? You shouldn't be worried this much

n this court, young one." He dragged the young of

late emperor remarried and then the second empress, our empress dowager came into the picture and gave birth to two

rinces was given the same education as the empress but the former emperor only sees potential in his princess Elpis at the time. He planned to marry th

t is why, before the death of late emperor, he asked the princess general to ruled behind her brother, in the shadows. Those who only work inside the palace knows about this. I

bines? Sure, they are here to please the empress but ... th

rt Grace are not someone you could easily trick. Their intelligence exceed all the minds of the officials combine. Even the ministers has some respec

le concubines into court? There must be something going on that we have no

might know off. For one, they're not use to provide heir like they supposed to. They are here to support the emp

one of the minister who deflowered one of her concubine. Look at what happened to him now? Hell, she even let noble consor

inister went to their places and foresee this meeting. The young

ess Elpis. Glory and peace for the empire." The

trip?" Elpis asked. The king didn't rise. H

u've won the war and indirectly, the land that used to belong to my ancestor belongs to you no

lefield. I had accepted my defeat earnestly but please, your majesty, please spare my people.

and your kingdom belongs to the Empire, why do you have to show yourself now? Why didn't

ce but to take over the kingdom. By the time I took the throne, it was in ruined. The ministers who used to s

at do you propose we do about it and it's people?" The king finally looked up

rrupted lord which led to the mistreatment of its own people. The former king was too busy playing around with his concubines to even help his

always fooled around while his people

majesty." E

same?" The king s

ul and expecting wife to care for. Fooling around with other women will o

d so did the o

ur resources for the good of the empire and your people. We're glad to have the Earth Kingdom as

ajesty, your ladys

is court session is over. Please wait in the corner with the other ministers." Th

ministers and officials do h

does, it only means something terrible is about to happen. So, if you wish to live long and a happy life, keep y

ry old man

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