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Shadow Empress (Book 1 of the Empress Series)

Chapter 5 The Troublemaker

Word Count: 2093    |    Released on: 04/01/2023

the pavilion one morning when they were interrupted by the sound of a woman a

nt business together with the noble consort and the other

seemed to be coming from the main palace. What is wrong with her, barking in front of our palace? If the imperial

ules of the palace. If they kept barking like that, we should wait for either the imperial consort or the noble consort

to enjoy their time at the pavilion until they heard scr

let that commotion bother Elpis while she's working." The concubines decided to s

e in the Galatea Palace. We tried to chase her away, but she won't listen. Her servant even

s doesn't know about this." The maid nodded. The concubine

r head when they saw the con

living quarters. You should know that I am the wife of the second prince. If you decide

The dignified

live here, I shall have all the old servant replace. Now, let me in so I can see what I c

n't you have any manners? From which kingdom are you? We would like to know which

abbed that woman and punished her and give her 40

Don't you know who I am?! I am the second prince wife! The legitimate wife! You all shall

didn't know off?" The concubines were glad to se

al situation at hands and Virtra was not happy. For a mere second prince

s palace? You are not allowed to pick this palace as

a legitimate wife of the second prince! Move!" Before the second princess could touch the i

bout Galatea Palace rules." The imperial consort watched as her second brother in law

front of a concubine! It is absurd!"

oy us! It was my mistake for not educate you enough abou

Please forgive us." Vir

ss noticed this commotion?" Th

efy the rules of Galatea Palace. If you wish for me to teach her the rules, it will be my pleasure to do so. But I won't promise I wi

e second princess apologised. The second prince was ab

ht. It might be the only chance your wife get to see t

It's been a while since we had your delicious delicacies."

ould learn a few tricks if she wishes to survive in

no manners at all n


the presence of my sister in law! Don't you know what hierarchy means?! Didn't your parents ever teach you

vants know who I am! Why are you mad at me for no reaso

ou're lucky that my sister in law was in a good mood today. If not, I will get into tro

mpress Sophia or your mother. They are just the emperor's concubine. What is wrong with you? And why

interfere with the matters in Galatea Palace except for my sister, the REAL ruler of the empire and her wife, imperial consort Virtra. My princess, what you

he emperor is the ruler of this empire. My prince, you

hia to tell you the whole story. And please behave tonight. I don't want any more trouble with my

the prince seem a bit worried?" A servant ask

orried about a mere concubine! What is going on in this palace?! I don't care! Whatever happens, I want Gala

's the empress dowager. The second princ

thing. He promised to give me everything before we got married. Please, mother, do somethi

palace? We have enormous land for you to build one. We can even use all the finest mater

t palace away from those cocky concubines? And what does it mean when the prince said the empress is staying

vile woman. He should just let the emperor rule this empire together with my brother b

Why both the emperor and the second prince scared of her? Aren't the

She controlled every single decision making in court just because she's better and far more experience in politics than my sons. I hate to admit

ndset, but it doesn't mean I can't turn the emperor's concubines against her and that filthy woman. The imperial harem is under my

miled evilly. It's easy enough for her to trick such

same table. You, as the princess from the mighty Wind Kingdom, could say something to express your disgust. Make those low ranking concubines feel sma

t of everyone. Who do they think they are?! Concubines should know their place in c

ht. I will find someone better for my

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