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Key Out of Time

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 3058    |    Released on: 30/11/2017


risk of trusting Loketh would be worth it. However, because Ross was chancing his own neck did not mean that Karara need be drawn into imm

ietly after Ross elaborated on this

t as they had earlier been committed to Hawaika when on their home world they had entered the

sea people-all at odds with one another. Do we joi

tention. Karara looked around at Loketh; her look was as searc

him a twisted leg he is not one with those of the castle, but to them a broken, useless thing. Ross, I gather he thinks we have powers like

t very ancient pact on his own world. Eat a man's food, become his friend, or at least declare a truce between you. Sti

k between friends or enemies!" The more he could learn of such c

spoke into the micro-disk of the analyzer, slowly, with pa

ween such there is no betrayal, for how may a man betray his lord? I, Loketh, am now a sword in your hands, a man in your service. And to me this is doubly good, for as a useless one I have never had a lor

s open; he couldn't hide his thoughts f

the ledge. They had piled the containers at the fa

om the castle are still hunting drift out the

t you trapped here. And I don't want to lose those suppli

n, if we have to move, they will be ready. Do not worry-that is my

t of the dolphin team and sea matters were her department. And while he res

d from his ankle bonds, he beckoned the Terran back to the very niche where he had h

nt. And it had been used before as a passage. There was no light, but the native guided Ross's hands to the

such things; the need for memorizing a passage which led into the enemy's territory was apparent. What the purpose of this slit had originally been he did not know, but

he darkness remained so thick it fell in tangible folds about his sweating body. Ross almost cried out as fingers clamped about his wrist when

ling hands. The hold which had been on his wrist shifted to his should

above their heads, but narrow, not much wider than Ross's shoulder

jerky up-and-down shadow. Again his speed and agility amazed the Terran. L

breadth of his two fingers. He peered out of one and was looking into empty air while b

very steep. Loketh turned back and side against these to climb, his outspread hand flattened on the stone

circular room. A sudden and dazzling flare of light made the Terran shade his eyes. Loketh set a pallid but glowing cone on a wall shel

n the contorted line of his shoulders. Then the wall slid under Loketh's urging, a slow move as if the weight of the

went on. Here the left wall was cut in many places emitting patches of light in a way which bore no resemblance to conventional wind

on. He had seen drawings reproducing the life of a feudal castle. This resembled them and yet, as R

lded under their necks. Their harness consisted of a network fitted over their shoulders, anchored to the folded limbs. Their grotesque heads, bobbing and wea

rest in all he could see, force himself to concentrate on learning what might be pertinent to his own mission. But Loketh did not allow him to wa

ht, not that of outer day, but a reddish gleam from an opening waist high. The

walls, touched here and there with sparkling glints which were jewel-like. And set at intervals among the hangings were oval objects perhaps

ing color, just as the garments of th

then falling in long points to floor level, the points being finished off with tassels. Their heads were covered with tight caps which were a latticework of deco

But the reason for the assembly baffled Ross, s

ightened, turned their attention to the other end of the hall. Ross did not

here were three of the robed ones this time, one slightly in advance of the other two. They came at a gliding pace as if t

their movements. They were plainly being compelled to render deference when

Ross's ear, his pointed fi

hance to know what was in progress. That the meeting of

is must be a showdown, perhaps even a declaration of open hostilities between Wreckers and the older race. Or perhaps the pause was a subtle weapo

own spine. The words-if those were words and not just sounds intended to play upon the mind and emotions of a listener-cut into one.

rope leashed about them, pulling them back and forth. There was a clatter; one o

s of guards had broken. A party of them were heading for the end of the hall, making a wide detour around the Foan

him? Ashe! Was this concerned with Ashe? Ross crowded against the op

head forward on his hands, his shoulders quivering. But the one Loketh had identified as Zahur stil

three men. Two were Hawaikans, their bare dark bodies easily ide

ripped to his swimming trunks, all his equipment taken from him. There was a dar

o spray the company below with a machine gun would have given him great satisfaction. But he had nothing b

wild desire for action. There was not the slightest chance of his doing Ashe any good at the present. But he had this mu

y were directed by a will beyond their own. Ashe gazed about him at the Wreckers and the robed figures. His awareness of them both suggested to Ross that if the natives had come under the control

. Which meant Ashe was on his way to another destination. The Terran was on his feet and head

on!" Karara read his

soner. Now they've turned

with him?" the girl

as the native squatted by the anal

urvivors for tribute. Your com

repeated Ross,

agged breath which w

mean they are going to u

h by the shoulders. The inability to question

re?" He began that fiercely, an

ck; she was manifestly aiming that inquiry

ed on the an

be entered best by sea. There is a boat ..

feeling that time was all-important worried at him. Witches

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