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The Pack's Girl

Chapter 6 Catching My Scent

Word Count: 877    |    Released on: 04/01/2023

orning was

bullying me

r which barely closed on

d them if they truly

sh ordered. Something about hi

and ran to the do

e always awake

ish's piercing green eyes lit on

slightly to the sid

anquish turned and clear

s hu


d to tower over me. "Then yo

had to rely on the males to leave me food



aul any take and the pile of their tunics since they hunted shirt

carrying them. I rolled

out anyone to back me how could I, a small female, st

't stand

as something appealing about the masculine scent of them. My gut tighte

There was enough mud, and the animal was heavy enough, there was no need for Hunte

ehind me. I do

Racer lightly gave me a sh

laughter. Stopping to wait for m


r and Hunter stepped

en I went to step. I teetere

ing me forward.

u stay on your

s!" Vanquish barked. Liftin


m the hunt but now they kick

cled bodies in the sunlight. While glittering rays danced atop the water.

s over his brothers who playfully splashed

Hunter lifted his hea

same. "That sm

his eyes lifted to look at me on the bank. Even from

was in some kind of trouble


the bank, nearly simultaneously. Com

looked at each of them fearfull

ot on my chest to guide me to the gro

k, purposely catching my skirt in his fists as well. He t

nd eyed th

neath my skirts and I

ents." He said it so matter-of-factly thoug

The only clothes I had were t

?" I lifted my

al from the creek." Vanqui

Hunter looked at the other two. Still h

the other two could get a l

his lips. "Sh

unter said in


. You should probably c

Was I malformed? I was too con

roared, swatting my skirt off hi

e talkin

asked in

you have wrapped a


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