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The Pack's Girl

Chapter 7 Revealed

Word Count: 515    |    Released on: 04/01/2023

of a smell. I hadn't considered that my dress was so loose that

dammit!" Van

of curiosity. He dropped to hi

gainst the humilia

ou have that?" Hunter aske

ding, Rabbit?" V

me." I st

s trying to b

hat you look like?" Race

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"I'm going to find out what

and withdrew it, Racer had sat atop my thighs and quick

open this thing." He

and no one had seen me without the cloak. I'd taken

ng limply to keep from emphasizing any shape an

give Vanquish a long look before the green-eyed one of the

ust under my breasts. Pinning me so I coul

I pushed at his ch

hands then my face under the hood of my cloak. "You act

I was starti

ith the blade and I could feel his h

slightly against

anquish was muffled under my skir

oes th

back being lifted as he pulled a

long my flat belly tol

brush of fingertips along my crea

er my clothes on his elbows. Dragging the length of clot

nd up there?"

ring down at me. He hooked a finger under my bodi

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