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A Chance To Be With You

Chapter 3 THREE

Word Count: 2377    |    Released on: 05/01/2023

She had an accident? But how exactly? Jannilyn's last memory is of her wedding day

e he takes his role as a big brother seriously. Jannilyn appears to have forgotten what happened to her. Law

for them to examine his sister's condition further. Jannilyn remains silent while answering a few questions fr

ence invited the doctor outside the room to ask him about Jannilyn's condition while the nurse was busy checking the dextrose connected to his sister's arm. Lawren

er right temple, it appears she was hit on the head at the time. Fortunately, she did not sustain any serious injuries other than bruises and minor cuts

just finished her work and quietly exits the room. Lawrence can clearly

y get into an acciden

o significant that it was reported and b

stigation, a drunk truck driver made a sudden turn that caught the cars behind him off guard, and they collided with it. So

one of tho

hose vehicles by driving in the opposite direction. But she lost control, and her car collided with a tr

fact that you are now awake and aware of your surroundings means there is nothing wrong with your body coordina

ilyn's brain to accept her brother's explanation. How could she be in a major car accident when she was supposed t

p things simple, okay? From now on, I will not allow you to drive alone, I will confiscate all of you


k at what happened! You almost died in that accident, Jannilyn! Fortunately and thankfully, your luck is

deep breath bef

one a few years ago. But that doesn't mean you should leave without te

" Jannil

oad for a week to relax after

variety of foreign countries. But it's different because Lawrence or her parents are always with her in tho

. He already ran a quick background check on those guys. Most of them are experts at playing with a girl's heart and always change their girlfriends every month. He

and walked away from them quickly. But what they did not realize was that Jannilyn stole one of her car key

told himself, gently massaging his temples. "You are alr

Me? But that was

Jannilyn soft

t is

old am I r

s doing and looks at Jannilyn wit

or again? Do you feel any p

I think I am still confused

ed, Lawrence still nodded

in this year?" Janni

nilyn. You celebrated your eight

?" Jannilyn gasped.

lling his eyes. "I should tell you that just because you're already eighteen doesn'

that's not wha

yn was trying to make more excuses, he l

e but also mom and dad are acting like this because we just want the best for you.

ything, Lawrence patted her

nths, but I am only doing it because I want you to be safe an

y, Jannilyn is their treasured child. Their parents spoil her a lot and Lawrence takes his role as a big brother ser

aid something similar to what he said to Jannilyn when she insisted on remaining with Xander until the very end. Lawrence told her he was strongly against Xander being her love

e doesn't want them to be happy together. Xander told Jannilyn that her brother is against her relation

because Jannilyn was really infatuated with Xander, she refused to believe her brother and accused him of trying to destroy the

annilyn. But as your brother, I w

s will fall again once she opens her mouth to speak. Instead, she o

nnilyn would be fighting with him saying he needs to stop interfering with her life an

amily raised her as a spoiled little princess, they are now having trouble giving her advice. The car acciden

e their room. Soon, the door opens revealing their parents. Lawrence takes a s

feel any pain? Is it okay for you to

oftly replied. "The doctor sai

ly held her youngest child in her arms. "I'm s

r kisses her forehead, Jannilyn feels like her mother is still treating her like a child who can't even do anything to hers

ith her family, none of them tried to contact her again. She continued living independently just like what she was dreaming of in the past. But after a few months,

is not enough to describe wha

he kisses her forehead. She is about to say sorry when Janni

burying her face in her mother's shoulde

, d

nilyn is feeling right now is something that she has been missing all this time. It was th

ho are also observing Jannilyn's weird behavior. She did not push her daughter away when Jannilyn rubbed her

or a moment to talk outside. Kean asked about Jannilyn's condition and his son conveyed the words that

for her to cry like that." Kea

. I can't remember the last

e important is

urse, her safety is the most significant. They are

hat Jannilyn is now awa

because I was surprised by Jann

ht now. You should give Gio a call and

hone to call Gio who is probably agitated and

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