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The Bully's Toy From Hell

Chapter 2 Controlled Emotions

Word Count: 1392    |    Released on: 07/01/2023


egret every second of my existence, I'm still losing my mind over him. Call me a masochist,

despises me. He's not even person I ought to be drawn to. It resembles a moon seeking to integrate with t

enial to me, smile at the world and not the dry lip curl he does at his friend

knowing if I move closer I will catch sight of Axel's house. The house that scre

le he watched with a severe expression. He is always so grim except for times that his lips cruelly curls up. I was expecting to see him during

nt voice hiss

not my heart. Empty h

iness. With his dad? His friends? What kind o

e Harley. My inn

of Roslyn bawl-o

est friend, Mrs Thompson – Tootsie pop. Who does that? And my name Harley turned harl and she had been calling me that

a shuffling sound in the backgr

appy finals. I enormously apologize that I'm

ut her working, we will be on the streets. I had once told her that I should also get a job in or

create space for that. You really mean a lot to me" she continued. Oh mum: only if. I

d or if my mum was a prestigious attorney like Layla's mum, I would be more respected.

what if's. "Finals are always so exciting and sometimes overwhelming but I

of us. He had cancer and concealed it from us until it extended to a level four cancer which took his life. It was too late before we realized that he had battled day and night with a dise

re definitely getting a car after your grad." I clamp down my mouth so a squeal

. "Thank

ertently do miss your school bus. I know something is on with you. And I should let you know that I am

entirely different. You pinky sweared Mrs tootsie poop. And bout the school bus, Axel had threatened the poor school bus driver with

not to be troubled. Plus tell Mrs Thomp

teness to everything is known Layla. My shoulder


boyfriend to me when you get one." Her last sentence came out more like

she let out some of hers too. "I'm numb ass seri

m" I re

ack before your grad. Temporal trans sucks. Make sure you eat" At the mention of eat, my mind

line went dead and I

head a few times on the kitchen counter for my forgetfulness. I opened the c

ight not be home but her instructions are like invisible post cards plastered all over the place. I drape myself in my duvet and stare at the white ceiling in my room.The tiny s

ve turned to a th

at made me want to disappear into another world. It's better than the


efore I could recover from the first message another one popped in with a video tag.

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