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Billionaire's Baby

Chapter 5 Four

Word Count: 1951    |    Released on: 12/01/2023

er letter h

atched as her father nervously looked toward the door, then the clock. Damien didn’t miss anything, and he could s

either, but his irritation was pushed do

d Damien didn’t see a reason fo

ing, he

y was huge and Damien had no doubt he could drop Douglas in the blink of the

” the man said, not showing the slightest r

y man. It seemed Douglas didn’t want Damien to know about the letter, which meant that Damien reall

. I’ll look later

s eyes turning in his direction as he

o with you,” Douglas s

st employee, I’d say it has a lot to do wi

again. He obviously didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to d

apped, turning away wi

fore stepping back. Damien walked to the couch and sat down, pulling

w l

what?” Doug

n coming in?” Damien gro

t,” he said while dismissively waving his han

and you don’t think that’s worthy of your attention?” Damien asked, h

end all kinds of crap. It doesn’t mean anything,”

s poked through the photo and fake blood smeared on the image with a message t

htly. She should have twenty-four hou

, doesn’t it?” Douglas snapped back. The two men

e, too,” Damien goaded, knowin

a false threat when he heard one. Douglas was the one who’d called him. Damien really had no

zero concerns about c

re he mumbled something and then resumed pacing

all the trouble? He had an agenda to follow through on, a tightly controlled schedule to meet. Having Sierra around would break the ice with her best friend, Brianne, which in tur

time he thought of those men, he remembered why he was so dead set on revenge. He’d lost the opportunity of a norma

couldn’t start feeling sorry for Sierra. His father deserved retribution for what those l

. She was nervous and didn’t want to open the door. She still had no clu

ful room. So many horrible events had happened in there. It was the first place he’d backhanded her,

and he’d make sure homework was done before she came back. He’d threate

e wanted to get away, but she didn’t want terrible things to bef

in the room. Her heart pounded as she feared what that would mean for her. Sh

tress mounted so high, he’d surely be taking out his aggression on her later. She

was nothing she could do to stop it, so she tried to let her mind tak

topped at the couch. She could see the profile of a man she didn’t recognize. May

pt glancing nervously at the stranger, which was even more odd. Th

w his legs were crossed, he seemed like a man not to be messed with. Maybe her father

nd still, his intimidation penetrate

how like he was her enemy, which made no sense whatsoever. She didn’t know him, so how could he be a threat?

ld never allow

occupants. She saw the slight movement in the stranger’s shoulders as he shifted his

a hurry, somehow she knew he did nothing without thinki

her. From within her own head, she commanded herself to turn around, dismiss hi

cked tightly to his, his expression almo

brain was shouting, trying to

inally, the egotistical look managed to break her from his spell. While her stomach turned over, a

ke you’re busy,” she asked, growing angri

a look of regret mixed with anger. He said nothing for several seconds, and her annoyance over the

lips contained a smirk that seemed to say he owned the world and could do whatever he pleased. His green eyes held a lifetime worth of knowledge in their depths, and

look around the room. None of the other men would me

gaze turning from her. For the first time she could ever rem


ontrol. She knew better than to defy him. She quickly sat on the couch the str

turned her head to stare into the dangerous eyes of the dark haired stranger. Her

ose to the mark she tr

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