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Billionaire's Baby

Chapter 3 Two

Word Count: 2088    |    Released on: 12/01/2023

eek e

s desk and sat back. He was perp

y be serious – offering his child in exchange for money. Though, as Damien went through the fil

ien wouldn’t give the scum of a man the time of day. His time was

ng. What was in it for Sierra? Was she going alo

is desk for at least the twentieth time. She was

her dark brown, almost black eyes, were solemn as if

but had healed nicely, giving her face an almost softer look. Her beaut

g time over a woman, but Sierra M

sentative. It was placed in extremely select listings as he didn’t

ll he’d been expecting. With irritation, he lif

las M

ut your offer, and I’ve decided to accept.”

home tomorrow and we can sign the papers,” Dou

even more

ns,” Damien warned, to which there was a

sked, not responding to the scolding of

ghter aware

y for too long. It’s time she stops living off of me and learns ho

for some reason he couldn’t. Well, he had a couple reasons. One of which was

ng to give

ughter has been taught to behave,

s, but the man oozed filth. People like him would eventually fail. That’s why

e, full of greed and not afraid to walk on peop

week. My attorney will have the paperwork ready.” Dam

all, the more he’d be able to sto

n his desk, this time a genuine smile popping out on his face. It was time. Finall

long pa

f the world. It may have even been a smile – or at least as much of o

sure he wanted to hire the spoiled heiress. The more he learned, the

with most people he wasn’t. His lips softened as he thought of his one and onl

father, had come back into her life, and not only wanted to

as hard to deny that Trinity and Drew were, indeed, in lov

to. He’d never spoken of his past with anyone, not even Trinity. He hardened his resolve. He’d made a promise to his mother – a promise he int

zzle to the grand design of his life, to the purpose he’d practically been made for. He could succeed without he

ut getting too attached. He wasn’t interested in love. He’d been there, done that. He should’ve jus

amily would pay

est friend who was a part of the family he was close to taking over.

of scum, but Damien figured he was doing Sierra a favor getting her out of the

e thought about his conver

ously pleased at having Damien in his office. The man was practica

Douglas. He was there for a business transaction. Damien had done his research. H

living large in his twenty-thousand square foot mansion, driving his over-priced vehicles - but Damien knew

ng idiot at the opportunity to do

n’s fear. He had to remind himself that his battle wasn’t with Douglas Monroe. He didn’t care if the

amien was successful in what he did because of how well he read people. He saw weakness, and he im

the finest of wines. He knew how to choose the land, pick the vines a

ed in, every dollar he made, ended up tripling. He couldn’t seem to lo

could soothe hi

ainly would take the opportunity to do so to Douglas. It was a power play, letting his opponent know he was the weaker man. “I wasn’t going

statement, seeing if Dougla

tually benefiting deal. I’m a very private man, though, and the terms of our agreement are to sta

te myself,

mien was for real or not. Though Damien’s passion was his vineyards, he was well-known throughout

rprises but it didn’t matter. This wasn’t about making money, it was about pay

he offer?” Douglas finally asked, sitting back, trying to portray a

project.” He paused, letting his words sink

or more. Damien

’s reply. It was obvious the man didn’t think his daughter was worth ten million dollars. In reality, h

want to know?

over the small man. He bent down, his knuckles grazing the

, but I’ll make sure she works hard,” Douglas s

. From everything I’ve learned about her, she s

was truly selling his daughter, even with Damien leaving the

, but the more he sunk into this twisted family, the more he desi

from his breast pocket. He signed the paper before looking into the greedy eyes of hi

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