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Chapter 4 YOU'RE MY WIFE

Word Count: 1130    |    Released on: 22/01/2023

e wore a white robe and white towel on her

and gasped loudly. "You scared me!" She

e happy," He sai

e stared at Émile. His mood had darkened since she

ing a faint smile. "The thing is that, I know I made a grave mistake, I was drunk but!

ologize?" He aske

then she glanced aroun

used and gazed down at her feet. Gisèle had no slippers on, and this made her uncomfortable as he stared at her feet, h

nd her robe, he blinked slowly and inhaled sharply, placing his hands in his pocket, slowly he took more steps closer and each

d a brow at her, "Or

What did she even mean by that? Every soul that worked in this ma

orner of his lips. What was this man thinking right now? Her heart pounded w

nking, and her thoughts began to come into place seeing how his hands moved lightly on her

her against the wall as his hand rested on the wall trapping her in between. Gisèle shifted

as soft and gentle yet rough with anger his eyes glued to her and never looking away from her. He moved

h peddled inside her and she swallowed thickly. Why wasn't she reacting, she could as we

robe and his eyes fell downwards, Émile saw the pale and creamy swell of h

nued, staring at her. "To be my wife isn't an easy

but the door was locked, Gisèle's eyes widened at the reali

never shifted from her exposed skin. Gisèle's found his eyes staring at her intently, a mass of

e name coming from his mouth s

the door, Gisèle shifted her gaze towards the door and hurriedly rushed to

e door unlocked. The moment the door ope

looked at him and breathed deep

her to react when he moved closer to her, but Gisèle remained silent and w

questioned, Émile pulled his hands out of his pocket and gently he took step

me" he said, Loup's eyes widened but lowered immediately. Émile had never been interested in Gisèle.

?" Loup asked, shocked by this sudden

ed and recalled her conversation with his grandmother

r" Loup

w is she?" He asked Loup

e first of every month with

hy?" Émile asked

e first of every month is when sh

eard a loud noise and shoutings. Émile and Loup looked at th

his head, confused abou

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