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Word Count: 1236    |    Released on: 25/01/2023

ist in her bedroom as she prepared for it. In her hands she held her phone, going thro

the closet where the dresses were arranged. "Green? Is

t ask." She said, droppi

lled her eyes and began scanning the beautifu

re than three hundred thousand dollars, she looked towards the shoes and there weren't lesser than that.

and Dana paused at the

sked, surprise

said, Gisèle was picking out the latest edi

called, dragg

uld be nice to waste the cash, anyway a

nquisitively, "What is it? You look troubled"

orn to her place the other day, they were ex

" She blinked, "And elegant, maybe expe

ere let's try this one on

d and got up,

self in the mirror, no one would believe that she didn't come from a rich background after seeing her look this way

ed, Gisèle turned back to her and there sh

coming closer to her, "Cartier, this

ana clapped and pulled out t

g across the room while her smile was bright knowing how beautiful she

issing from the room and

Gisèle said, looking at Dana from the reflection

hispered, wriggling her brows, h

rs and found Émile gawking at th

s narrowed, confused. What was he saying, an

" Dana said, whispering. Gi

om what she remembered Émile had said he wasn't

made her way out of the closet quickly. He walked behind her and

roze and watched him take off the necklace she had on, he quickly replaced it with a simple one," She gulpe

e turned over and her eyes caught his. Quickly and quietly sh

a smile, she needed to make sure she was on the right p

de you while you look stunning" his voice was deliciously deep, Gisèle's brows furrowed, confused. Émile Deneuve


gree?" He added, Gisèle's heart relaxed, now this was more li

, I like you much more when you are quiet," she sa

ut of his sight. He sighed deeply and looked towards the table, she had

er good mood this evening. Her eyes searched around the house

iliar faces, a man and a woman standing with Loup

oon as she got down, Gisèle looked at their head to toe,

sked, seeing they ha

to speak, but É

until after the divorce," He

ile stood in front of her and handed her phone to her, Gisèle looked at it and grabbe

or the party," He replied "

isèle w

o, you can go back upstairs," He said. Gisèle blinked speechlessly

m François, and this is my coworker Anna," Franço

are there," He said with a small s

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