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The Alpha’s Return

The Alpha’s Return

Author: ZPearson25

Chapter 1 The Call

Word Count: 1427    |    Released on: 15/01/2023


r pitcher to my lips and downed the entire drink. The earthy yet lemony zin

to celebrate in style. The room may be spinning by the time we were finished but isn’t that what makes a

irls but I’m in dire need

I just hope th

lp but chuckle as I listened to Susie and Sara. They always found the str

p earlier?” Standing from the bar I turned to l

ight. After a few drinks she walked straight up to him a plastered the biggest kiss on his lips, all before introduci

r voice had me wanting to rip the guy’s head from his s

move on.” I glared at Sara who instantly went quiet. She may be right, but Susi

nd out they were also my college roommates. We were from two different worlds yet got on like

Alpha I probably would have, but unlike other pack leaders he taught me that every wolf is alike and should never be judged by their title. That includes rogues. My parents believe that some cut

s smashed into mine the minty taste of his tongue roaming every inch it could. Dave was my latest fling. He was tall and blonde and fuck me was he

sts over my top my nipples hardening making me wish I’d worn a bra. Had we been anywhere but here I would have ridden the f

I thought we were going to the loo only instead we turn around to find you making out with

eyebrows as she took in my flushed cheeks. He may be j

ke it. He

Dave interlocking my arm with Susie’s. “I’ll see you later for your bi

e that douche

ly decent club in this town,


at. I know you don’t like him,

like him, it’s just that h

r words. It may be a true statement, b

e you.” Pecking her cheek,

Sara’s voice was so loud it bounced off the t

ad kicking the door of my cubicle in retort. I didn’t nee

liked him sure, but if I was being totally honest with myself, part of the reason I stayed with him was because it was funny t

nterest in finding him. I love my parents don’t get me wrong, but unlike them I want to fall in love because of how that person mak

More shots?” Susie w

rning so I knew they wouldn’t be calling unless something had happened. Let’s face it nobody else there would bother. I hadn’t exactly left on good terms because of my decision to leave. Everyone

Not even the bass of the music that surrounded me. I felt as though my whole world had ended in the blink of an eye. Pushing my friends away I stood up and made a beeline for the door. As I weaved my way through the crowd of jumpers and dancers someone pinched my ass causing me to stop in my tracks. Normally I w

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