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The Alpha’s Return

Chapter 5 That's Right Bitch I'm Back

Word Count: 1272    |    Released on: 13/02/2023


chest. I hadn’t been back here in three years and knew not a so

e had once been friends with benefits. Though for a short time I wished we could

dn’t stand his mate Kate and the thought of being with her made him sick. After all

What a

it?” And ther

me like I was mad but hey, they didn’t know this bitch. Getting out of the truck I walked around t

et as I gave her my best darn fake smile just to ma

back? Don’t m

laughing, I struggled to keep a straight face. “Harry open the gates.” Shaking my head at the pair I walked back to th

elcome here,

’m not welcome in my family’s pack!” My e

onger belongs to your family.” Hearing the taunting

we were only granted the chance to shift during the full moon so becoming used to the pain was never a

Kate only for Harry to run in he

n after we stopped sleeping together, he never once lied to me. Grabbing the

my very naked body. With our kind nudity was never a problem but for Leo it certainly seemed to be. Though a p

he, Where’

lla it was nice to see you.” Offering Har

proceeded down the dirt road


putting them on. I had half expected Leo to peak but he kept his eyes on the road the en

bout to say I turned instantly to glare


was when things got awkward. I hadn’t expected

shot I gave Susie. Hearing those words Leo’s grip on the steering wheel tightened, his knuckles

if the building had been stuck in time, every detail remained the same. The same tulips in assorted colours lined the garden, the basketball hoop still hung to the side of the house, and

Leo to stand beside me and hold my hand. Had I been in the right frame of mind I probably would hav

the other side of me her head on my shoulder while Sara wra

d together we


hat left me uneasy. When I held her hand, I felt her jump but what

heir faces paling like they’d seen a ghost. A few of them were q

an. Her hair a bright silver and her face full of fine lines. Judging by the way they embraced each other it was obvious th


life isn’t for everyone and neither is becoming Alpha.” Listening in may

heartbreak in her words as they

the same day. We haven’t even buried your father. I alw

ed the same night. Though my pack were older our beliefs were mostly the same. If our bodies weren’t buried by sun

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