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Alpha Drake

Chapter 4 Kick Out

Word Count: 1008    |    Released on: 20/01/2023


m him. I didn't know what I was feeling a

sat close to me. At first I thought he was trying t

I didn't know why I felt so nervous. Was it because I had just re

s. I immediately looked up, seeing my mother with ha

the couch, and just as I was about

p to every day and call mine, but it turns out I di

was angry. I know I hurt her, but calling me a

Sophie," My Wolf Sara gr

own my cheek. The only thing I can do is kneel down in re

not make me feel guilty for a crime I never committed. I know it is very difficult to

t when she was supposed to even look at me. I was waiting for her response. I was waiting for wh

w me, can I see my father?". I s

" I say get out. " I was pushed to the floor by my mother.

ide of me, allowing me to give her

think we are welcome," she furious

landed on Chase. I felt hurt and angry

rty. Will my life continue to be this way? What

old me that if I pour out all my worries onto the tree, then I will feel safe.

to sit down alone jus

ice. I saw Chase standing there, staring at me. I q

you left the party w

t angry and at that point I wanted to let Sara take

idn't I think of it before? You have been s

se I wanted to meet my ex? I was supposed to be Luna, but he kissed someone else in front of me. Even th

n and he might also have been my lover, but I don't want to bring the

g to show my weakness to him. I walk right in f

say all this in front of me. I'm glad you found your mate and soon

k away, I felt a hand pull me

and I felt heartbroken as well. I

d. Was he serious? He has a

what got into me, but I ran into Adam's hands like a baby who refuses

hase was angry. I embraced Adam

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