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Transmigration: The Alpha King's Mate Is A Man

Chapter 2 Preparations

Word Count: 1139    |    Released on: 27/01/2023


med on us. It most likely we might die on our own befor

myself, I could tell how weak my body was now. But the look on my best friend's face could tell how worried he was for me a

to send me off. How can these people be so cruel to their family member? I could not believe my father and my younger brother did this to me, I used to be a strongest werewolf in the pack, my father taught

them one day, making them regret ever doing this to me. I was so deep in tho

u feel pain anywhere? Sho

im to stop him from c

down for too long.... Sam ... can you get me something to eat? I'm feeling ve

mething to eat from the kitchen now.

the room and run to

ng it. " This room is quite smaller than my room in my previous life, to be frank my ba

ou think we'll compl

or cut. They've shattered our bones and rebuilt them. We have to he

ily would agree to do this to me. And it wasn't

ill them all ', I s

aled. “I look like a goddess who had descended from heaven to earth. Is this really me?!! I don't look like a human. I

of my thoughts. “What do you think you're doing walking around in your state?! I don't

bed and I pouted and quie

oing back to the kitchen to

orders you to stay in here and not cause any trouble. You're not suppose to step out of the room The omegas will start taking care of

had to start making my plans now on how to escape and take revenge after I was completely he

ly with preparatio

Since I woke up, my days went on with Sam coming to keep me company and me having conversations with Venom. I spen

ng a werewolf. I wanted to get myself familiar with everything involving before I'm going I was taken to the Blood

usier than it was in the previous days. Sam had not come to visit me the whole day and I was getting

t know why but I Started to shiver just staring at the person's feet, I raised my head to apologize but I was met with the eyes of Al

a Fin! My p

and ste

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