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Transmigration: The Alpha King's Mate Is A Man

Chapter 5 Departure With My Mate

Word Count: 1546    |    Released on: 27/01/2023


e party, Alpha Finn might kill me if I did and I didn't want to die just yet. So I quietly sat down, ' If it truly is my mate he will come to me ', I thought and glued my eyes in the hall waiting to see who would come for me. And truly the scent started to get stronger and closer, it felt as if the scent was searching madly for me. The owner of the smell started to come in view and I was becoming restless, Alpha Finn quickly jo

u to your seat. " Alpha Fin said res

sty ", still ignored him and continued to stare at m

mate, Finn. " he stated gi


hat I couldn't react, ' No ... no ... my plans can't change!!! I worked so

o might that be

I didn't let him know or he'll have my head. That i

he most beautiful one among everyone here. " h

eal, I bet he wouldn't refuse me. I quickly ordered Sam to give his seat to the Alpha King when the beta of the Blood Moon pack shouted, " Mate ", I stared at him in confusion and I saw him stare at Sam. ' Oh moon goddess, yo


t notice me. I decided to get his attention so I shouted " Mate ", he turned to look at me in horror and hid behind Xavier's mate. I congratulated X


was ', I thought. My mate walked over to me and I hid behind Liam, but he still grab hold of my hand and started to peel me away from Li

now. We will work this out togethe

ck at him before letting go and following my m


d took my mate's hands in mine, his hands felt so soft and tiny compared to mine. But my mate quickly yanked his hands from mine and Nik and I whimpered. I felt dejected, I knew no one would want to be mated


to get restless and howl in our mind link which scared the hell out o

ou hurt? " I panicked and asked, i s

hurt, but still I needed to ask him

sad, you rejected their touch w

whimper and howl non-stop. I

not feel rejected b

them and hold t

I could feel the bond too. I looked at my mate who was quietly staring at the floor and hel

mean to reject you, I

at me and clasped his huge hands over my t

our name, b

asked me with a

what should I ca

swered back a

ale. That'

my mouth which sounded foreign yet somewhat

There's no need for formalities. " i looked at him s

e next morning and they talked about business and other stuffs. The party was finally over and it was time to go to bed. Alpha Finn wanted me to spend the night with the Alpha King in the

d and took a quick shower and dressed up in simple clothes. I went out to the pack house and saw that they were all ready to go including Sam, I smiled and quickly walked to him. The omegas quickly parked our belongings and we were led to th

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