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Chapter 2 Amazonian

Word Count: 1942    |    Released on: 06/02/2023


of two

alk pas-s her. She hold me back

what you’re t

traying her entire Island. Watch till the wh

hing but yet you’re about to say false words. Get ready to swea

mutter t

of her pres£nce. My only problem right now is h

she overh

he saw hi

d Dylan

re-ady for the wre

h Akeelah. Why not later , I just need to rest.” I h

ampire. I just want to talk to Bambi , sh

ll tell adriel to get you the native conco

m and I sneaked out. I race t

ile at her and

sed to be fighting w


old my legs together

t of r

to talk a

love feels like ? Do you love someone the very first tim

ons. Which should

sighs and keep her

tter how hard we try our heart can’t beat for anyon

love ?” I objecte

especially you moon daughters. Your birth is exchange for y

I can’t explain. I felt weird like a connection. Not a spark but something

a vamp

nd long canines used for feeding on their preys…” She narrates.

t likely dang

ly , I have not seen any


live and di

to a new home. A place like where Dylan lives. Places were people wear shoes and dres

ook up at Bambi who’s a

’re o

adriel be ch

ur older

hy he has t

er enemies. You’re the only dream walker and it’s a tradit

d up and walk ou

called me but

mb the trees to the top. I sit at

cally Dylan is a vampire , it’s o

mile is heart warming and I’m not feeling better. What’s this called ? Maybe depr

to the top of the tree. She huff loud

made you angry ?” She ask smiling at me . I can’t tell her I

dream outside

.” She laughs lightly but

es , I see myself outside Amazon , but I look diff

ot today. I can’t explain any furt

now , dummy.” I scowl at her. S

will be difficu

es uninterested. Yeah , she’s supposed to be staying in a

e rush back to the others and dad was talking with adriel , my

up reminding me it’s Bambi’s practice. I

and up and get m

” She ask on our to prac

ad to beat Elna up. I’ve always beaten her up ,

et water only to be greeted

just feel like teaching he


for our

you’ve got something for me

o smart.”

” She takes a step closer and

nna regret

everything anyways. Same way I regr

ly do you wa

me back. I know you saved that foreig

n’t wanna fight

g killed by me. I’m watching you, p

r be free

Elna is laughing with Bambi. I joi

forget the fact that I saw Dylan.

oddess of fertility and nature. We believe she made us , seriously and t

I look into her smiling eyes of her statue and sigh. To our believe , each time you’re sad and depresse

but I didn’t. Elna stood close to me as

about the vampire

business..” I j

d and not on a vampire.” I huff irritating

oud noise from afar ,

. We wh!pour head to look at what’s happening. The next

towards the main village and the

gners with large guns and th

true.” Elna mu

hem. A loud noise and strong wind knock me to the grou

ong wind. I look up to the sky and saw

lean close to me as

down trying to avoid dirt from traveling into my eyes. There was loud noi

g ?” Elna scream

happened , every single one except the foreigners was magneted


ed in my pres£nce. The tornado took every single person away. I fall to my knees and

surprised too. Who did this ? Dylan was

ck. My head ache and I couldn’t see properly. My eyes are blurry and everything fall

sh to the ground. I couldn’

ere see

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