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Chapter 5 I'm dead!

Word Count: 2336    |    Released on: 07/02/2023

of two

e’s not about to do this. Not me. I don’t know but I thin

ed from behind. Her hair is b

ks on me. I don’t know who she’s but he seems irrit

lips. He turn to look at t

dn’t even call.” She said walking to hi

ke his wife

hat , just got

She placed her lips on Arden and

to me. She stopped doing whatever

is ?” She

ritated by his speech and

k at Arden and pulled

’t believe I was about to loose my innocent to a stupid princ

if i was you.” He sa

deity or s

e than that.” I huff l

why I ask , it’s really not useful. But I reall

She’s royalty and A

” I ask. He narrowed hi

l you’re in a relationship with

o w

alita.” I smile

le and kind. Not like Arden. Elna walks

y , life’s

hese vampires

few humans I saw are like feeding bags , or let’s call it blood banks. They occupied

you and Derek ?”

cest here.” And I think it’s the truth even if

think about

orever live in my heart.” El

me. Where we belong.” I nod absentl

cort us out of the garden. We walk into an open sp

ppening ?”

fight for survival.


at him , you’ll be considered. By feeding good food and regularly too. And then Dagon , he’s almost l

in ?” Elna ask but ga

No one can fight hugo. It’

f someon

y . I look upstairs and the king watch with amusement as hvgo slay

s a d

I don’t need the wrath of either the prince or the king. He’s al


I ask walking

r that. I would advise you shouldn’t cross h

I spat but he laughs in

was f

ve to re-ad mind ? It m

behind your thoughts.

” I said w

re yo

Derek tap my b

e were boug

clean always.” I said bending down to work

iving good food

Elna whipher head to my figure a

u wo

fighters and w

r island. Did you see that hugo guy ? He lo

you sc

a slave in front of us because he couldn

op being

etic ?” No pl

hiss at her and

even fight anyone here. They have civil

side. She scoffs an

ked on the door . Elna had to get i


Its morning.” Elna hiss annoying

room with us , he’s with the other male slaves . Elna and I are

feels like th

t girl.” Eln

s and i gotta go drop this wat

ere..” she

to meet up with the other. They use toothbrush to sh

sed properly. It’s nice everything here is n

s. She’s always moody and with what I s

room today.” She hand me a buck

Arden’s room , it’s gonna be hell spe

ome with me.” She snap at Elna.

s voice ordered me in. I totally forgot his girlfriend is around. I groan deeply and

. Straddling each other , their legs ar

at me. I’m not surprised , it seem

ed to

den’s almost naked chest , I didn’t even noti

wn and beg

” Jasmin pointed I bre

annoying voice responded. The door open and

hness , my

t ?” Arden spe

to speak with you. She wants you

oming.” Melissa nod

tand up and move across the room. She opened a door and walks

tually and it’s

ouched her lips on A

k out. I heard the door behind closed and she was g

ence in the room and i

ring at me.” He snap at me and that made me look up at him

ven look at you

gth to talk back at me.” He

k to me.” I replied scru-bbing the floo

ghting hugo.” First how did he know my name ? Se

ucky person that

th your name ?

always feel how hard my life’s right now. You suck, just as everything

disrespectful to him. Even with those dark eyes and angry face ,

eying me

I fight with y

ake it harder on you if that’s what you want. I’ll like to see

k closer and close the space between us. I walk backwards and

” He ask , his fac

to say in a whisper. A seductive s

d get this off.” He sai

skin heat up to that. He kept eye contact with me and lean closer to

king eyes with me ? We were inch apart and our nose sl

” I shake my head at once. Each time he’s

nd lean forward.

.” He answers my thoughts.

He looks into my eyes trailing hi

d I thought i was ab

nd tempting….” He continued st


e.” With a single whip I’m on

m escaping. I struggled to mov

hey won’t care.” He whispers

I hit him severally

darken more. Without being told , I know I’m in trouble. He turn


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