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Meet Me Halfway

Chapter 4 Hutch (POV)

Word Count: 1954    |    Released on: 07/02/2023

king about find the "one" and settling down. Not too sure If I the Marrying type. Or even a family man. It is a nice thought to have someone at home waiting for me. Someone to love. To lov

ink I did well. I don't have nightmares or flash backs. I do sometimes think of the people in

ught a condo on the beach close to San Diego. He gives surfing lessons. Maybe one day me and the guys will pay a visit. Maybe learn how to surf. Love to swim. But in a pool. Strange fear of something in the water thinki

hysician Allison Stark, Amsterdam Medical Facility. She's pretty young to be an attending physician. Damn way to go girl! Running a back-ground check on Ms. Alli. Has a fraternal grandmother. Shows parents passed away just after her 16th birthday. She got good grades in school. Shows early graduation from high school. She was top of the class and graduated early. Feeling proud. I kept ready up on her. She was the only bene

round like a lost delivery person. Heading over to the elevators, I see a woman coming out of the first elevator talking on her cell phone about a case. She's a cop. Maybe she just interviewed Alli. I head in to the second elevator and push the button for the second floor. I am wondering what she like

ble. We were eating machines. Everything from rib eye steaks, catfish, pulled pork. Can I say, carnivorous? Man, I tell you, any trouble we could get into was the name of the game. My parents are divorced. Mom lives in Washington DC. She is a corporate attorney. Dad still lives in Texas. A rancher. Loves the farm. He will never leave it. Mom and dad were married for 15 years. After the divorce, I basically took over my own life. It was not a bitter divorce. Just a difference in the persons themselves. They remained friends. They talk ju

ny voices in the room. I hear nothing. I walk in and the curtain is partially closed. I say out loud "Dr Alli?" I hear a female voice coming from the restroom and she steps out. In a hospital gown, hair messy and yet still beautiful. She looks at me and smiles and points to her side table. "Over there please. I wonder who sent these? I said, "there's card" I pu

ore it as soon as the elevator doors opened and stepped inside and quickly punched close doors button. And pushed it again and again. The doors closed just as I he

y hands shake. Crap! I reached out to push the 1st floor but

e." And she giggles. She giggled. How did she just manage to bounce back after what happened to her last night? She had bruising near her jaw and wrist bandage. I looked

he her in. Hesitating she asks "Thank you again for stopping and helping me. I have no idea who that person was or why I was the peak of his interest. That had never happened to me. I've lived in New York all my life." I motioned to walk with me. Maybe I can get her to head back towards her room. She turns and walks wit

ends for ages. "Live in New York?" she hollers from the restroom. I replied "yes for the past 10 years. I was in the military and after I left, I did not know where to go. I chose to

every now and then have to fly down to Florida for meeting with my employer. I'm in marketing." My cover that Niko gave me. H

have beat my ass if I didn't do anything." I replied. "I like your momma. But I am not taking 'no' for an answer" She stands form the hospital bed and is waiting for me to reply. "Well ok. How about we meet at my favorite restaurant Lucciola's...Italian Re

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