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Meet Me Halfway

Chapter 5 Allison(POV)

Word Count: 2422    |    Released on: 07/02/2023

and we went there for their tenth wedding anniversary. Not to mention my father had a business meeting there with some associates. Kill two birds with one stone, r

ling me "We've got this girlie. We can do anything we put our minds to. You will learn to stand on your

ed to think my grandmother was crazy for handling her horses herself, but they did not understand she can communicate silently with these wonderful creatures. I also think they just did not like 'fragrance of nature' so to speak. My parents rode a golf cart everywhere, in which my grandmother walked the prop

noticed he was moving quickly back out of the door, I knew it was him and followed him. I felt safe with him. And let us not forget to mention, walking behind him...damn what a body. The man knows how to keep himself in shape. My mind was wandering as I followed him to the

calls' to men as the men walk by. Making them blush and smile. Damn right. Call it out. 'Nice buns hun! Hey, where you going? Oh my goodness an Angel has fallen! Hey babbyyy!

oors opened back up and it almost looked like Hutch stepped farther into the elevator and backed into the corner. I stood in the doorway and smiled saying,

I tell him not wanting to let go of his hand. Strong and warm. Like I want them on my body. Okay weirdo! "Thank you again for stopping and helping me. I have no idea who that person was or why I was the peak of his interest. That had never happened to me. I've lived in New York all my life." I tell him. Not letting of of his hand and I motioned with my other hand to walk with me. I headed back to my hospital room, and he followed. Dang I was feeling giddy. Down girl down! I could see Jessica smiling at me

him from the restroom. Hutch replied "yes for the past 10 years. I was in the military and after I left, I did not know where to go. I chose to stay here. I have a brownstone not too far away." I brushed my hair so quickly I almost forgot out the dang bandage on my forehead. I slip m

in distress. My momma would have beat my ass if I didn't do anything." He replies. "I like your momma. But I am not taking 'no' for an answer" I say as I stand from the hospital bed. Feeling little desperate here. "Well ok. How about we meet at my favorite restaurant Lucciola's" he says..."Italian Restaurant." We say in unison. "I have been there, pre

me another handshake and holds my hand a little longer than normal. Do not lick the back of his hand like some kitty cat. I look at him as he lets go of my ha

2 , then floor 1. The nurses station erupts in hollering, "you go girl! Hell yeah! OMG did you see his ass? I'll take a slice of that!" "Ok calm down ladies, we have patients to take care of and I am being discharged now" I say as I see Dr Emma waling toward me. "What did I miss?" she asks. "My hero brought me flowers and he's a hunk! I mean yum-yum." I say and she gives me the biggest grin. She hugs me around

to the concussion. But I really hate pills. Never like them. Grammy used to make herbal teas that I liked. Happy to drink a tea but no medication. Yea

am not riding in that thing to my loft" I said. Manny smiles and nods. He turns to the truck and hops in the back. Jack stands there just waiting, "Well sister, I guess I have the distinct honor of walking you home." He is always so sweet. He calls all woman 'sister.' He told me one day that we are all Gods children and it's only right to say brother and

nd the kids well?" His wife's name is Christine. She is a nursery schoolteacher. Just wonderful with kids. They have two little boys. Samuel and Jonathon. They are so sweet. They take after their father. Four-years-old calling woman 'si

about checking in with me after your shift?" I explained to her what had happened and updated on my dinner plans. She was excited for me, since she knows my past with relationships or there lack of. She tell

ed my loft. Since I had a couple of extra days. Did some laundry. I try and meal prep a bit to kept e

d since I still have some bruising. Got dressed and headed out to the Italian restaurant. "Well good evening. You look rested." I hear a voice behind

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