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Reborn as a High School Student

Chapter 6 Old Acquaintance

Word Count: 2388    |    Released on: 16/02/2023

ouldn't remember anything. After seeing t

in his family. Because of his irritable temperament, too ea

ole story of last nigh

re a large number of hooligan, who were young, dropped out of home and

ting, he either hided at the end, or found an opportunity to run away.

p in the neighboring block had a fight. This time Wu J

a snap and died. and next time when

d nothing, this kind of virtue that kicked

ght, and he is still lying in the hospital. You go buy some

ed at Sun Kai, pointed at his he

ebrows and asked, "Yo

ad was knocked with two sticks, but no one cared about

ng, as if he wanted to see if

Kai's sight swept over to him, he would immediately shrink his neck

, when there was a fight, your motherfucking always run faster than anyon

ooking for you. That was the impres

Brother Yi." Wu J

did yo

n't want to be with

was hard to guarantee that they would not

y he could have a clean background. He

h Brother Yi any more

hen you begged u

s was seriously injured, he was lying in the hospital and did not know when he would recover. At this time, even

acial features twitched angrily, "Fuck yo

n Kai's arm and said, "Second brother, It's okay. Anyway, he is not an important figure, if he is willing

don't need to be angry with such a

past, when Brother Yi was awesome, people used to fuck forward and now he had an acci

just him who wanted to quit

rested in knowing too much. He pulled on the draped placket

o easy! We have to revenge for Brother Yi, and I will come to you ag

didn't pay more attention on it. Sun K

ght of something, and suddenly stopped, turned back to lo

other, wha

Old Fatty looks dif

f the time, he was just a follower. But today, he not only dared to look up and face his eye

that Wu Jinhuan was a bit abnormal today, which was completely

ther, do you think that Wu Jinhuan had s

iately nodded his head, responding: "In my

If that's the case, don't fucking blame me for

tonight for serious, but he didn't know th

days were cal

u Jinhuan's life

he community twice. If he couldn't run fast, he

ould have breakfast t

ysical age was very young, his psychological age was bigger than that of Yu Hua

very talkative person, and he was in a rebellious age. From day to

is son, but vaguely felt that his son was more a

to work, and Wu Jinhuan read books at

wn for a long time. To be precise, since he changed to be an intermediary, h

e did not use in the previous life,

r him. The hard parts were politics, geography, history, and Chi

ina for long. He went to Myanmar before he was ten

. As for the Chinese, he could speak Chinese, and understood Chinese characters, but

sics, and chemistry belon

. Mathematics trained people's logical thinking ability and had always been his preference. Phys

l first-class killer was to kill people in the invisible, they could create a variety of accidents, let people die in a reasonable way, without leaving any traces or clue

geography, and history were not within the scope of the e

was no skill at all, j

hed the TV series of the northeast, and listened to the dance opera,

ring time for Wu Jinhuan. His drug addi

difficult. He even impulsively tried to pick up t

o fall asleep for a long time, all over his bo

n't know whether his body had gradually adapted, or his willpower had become stronger, he coul

nd Wu Jinhuan also breathed a sigh of relief. He


me to go to the hospital to re

ut when he removed the thread, he grinned so badly, it

, Wu Jinhuan me

nner squatted at the door of the community, sometime

all. Instead, a young man with yellow hair stood up and raised his finger

in the directio

ot so thin. It didn't know whether because the diet had become

h, he shouted at Wu Jin

, even his body didn't even pause,

ted again: "

finally stopped and

now!" Sun Kai's eyes fell on Wu Jinhuan's face for a wh

e seen, but now, although he was still fat an

ringly. When he approached him, as if he didn't

Fatty, where did your buy the diet pills? It worked well. It's

now. Of course, the reason why he lost so much weight was that he insisted on exercising

nd then a few other young men

ve something serious?" Sun Kai asked with his hands in h

g, I'll go first." After he finished, he didn't hesitat

his hand, pressed his sh

oked sideways at the hand on

get revenge on Li Hongxing,


ai deliberately turned his head and

ested in it." Wu Jinh

, his hand suddenly waved forward, and

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