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Reborn as a High School Student

Chapter 10 Learning Arts

Word Count: 2374    |    Released on: 16/02/2023

trength. Now he saw him punching straightly, and his figure flashed to the

not see his movements clearly, but after all, he was well-expe

xpectation of the old man. He couldn't help but

man looked at him suspiciously

am a thousand dead, and you are injured eight hundred'. You can inju

words and gestured again, sa

one touch. Wu Jinhuan was testing the old

that the old man's body skill, or his foot

g boy who looked fat and gruff with his featureless appearance, was vigorous and supple. If it

d a crazy tone, he indeed ha

ally began to fail to keep up. He took a deep breath, and thi

ve and kicked. This foot was both a real move and a false move. If he could hit the

man stood still and did not move at all. When Wu Jinhuan's feet had kicked the lower

t, but he didn't feel like he was hitt

s lower abdomen. Wu Jinhuan felt numb on the soles of his feet. He jumped two s


er sitting on the ground, lookin

with a smile, and asked, "How is

a while, and slowly stood up from the ground, patted his

are you

't fig


Wu Jinhua

low the belt, etc. If it was only a competition, he couldn't even show 30% of his st

hat you are stil


we con

n, if you were killed, I had

asked, "Boy, don't you want to k

"Who knows what are h

nd then lifted the vest up again to reveal the belly with a disti

ked at the old man, then looked at h

d past, the old man sudden


ig stones in the chest and breaking bricks with one palm all use external energy. Keep your upper body, while the strength has not

d said, "So, do you mean that inter

ce is naturally internal energy. The stage of practicing internal energy can transfer the all clumsy strength, and the whole body can put forth the str

red in his heart, and asked,

internal ener

nsferred energy?" Wu J

akable." The old man shoo

said, "If you don't sa

t to leave, and the old man a

you te

Jinhuan up and down with a scrutiny, and said, "I t

ple who wanted to worship him as a teacher were plenty, let him take the in

k about what is the

earn kung Fu at this stage. When you have practiced a higher level, it will naturally come to fruition. It is harmful for you to teach you higher marti

was right or wrong, but the old

can teach me, but let me speak fra

almost crooked, and he said angrily: "Bo

may arise from a clear sky, and man's

at do yo

erson, maybe one day, h

" The old man'

a pity that you, with such a external energy, internal en

and said, "I have

ve practiced internal energy? And how

nothing, starin

five o'clock tomorrow morning, you come here

ly heard the Dance Opera, he n

turn!" Said the old m

me to practice

pin, walk and turn is to practice the body movement, an


at's yo


'clock tomorrow morning. I d

s spittle, secretly said in his he

t said your

ded it to Wu Jinhuan, saying, "You are not my disciple now, and you are not allowe

was exquisite and the content was very simple. There was only Chen Jiadong

e never depended on anyone, nor have I ever counted on anyone, I only rely on

gradually, the old man smiled and whis

n why Chen Jiadong was wi

-year-old could possess. Even if he started to practice in his mother's womb, it w

uan was 17 years old, he was actually a mercenary and killer who had p

and he finished washing before four o'clo

park and there was no one in it. Like yesterd

k, he went to Che

looked at the sky subconsciousl

n rolled

l into t

river within

y are yo

ran around the p

. Your physical fitness is too

er taught his apprentices, he was not afraid of apprentices being

ial arts for the whole life, he c

u do around

e we

"It is better to practice twist, spin, walk and turn if you ha

was to go around the tree stump accordi

required years of hard work before it

wading muddy ground, turning like grinding', which not only

s so good. The old man only practiced the footwork twice, and he remembered

nhuan, but the more he looked at him, the mor

ticed for a few days, and they would still occasionally be tripped by their feet and fell on th

iced a few minutes, and h

ple was both a bless

master, there would not be much sense of accomplishment, a

hard, it would be very difficult to achieve too many achievements. However, if you had a high savvy, but you didn't want to work hard, it is im

ccess was 1% wisdom and 99% hard work. But the secret of success would never tell you

hs and smiled: "I said that you are talented, you summed up

blushed a little. This was actu

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