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Mafia Emperor

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1147    |    Released on: 13/02/2023

w my name? " I a

impossible for

se to zip up my mouth. I shivered to hear the sudden ring of my phone. I touched m

mine. "

I abandoned my phone. It was in my hand before rus

rty with my friends

oning look. He didn't remove his hand. Unwantedly I took it from his hand and I un

ne. " I was hesitating to

I could react. He halted in front of a big gate. He pressed the button on a small remote. The iron gate started to open. He drove inside and pulled over.

ing near the house. I moved out of his

ng inside," he sa

. I saw them. They were arguing over something. They went quiet beholding

" I shout

warmth in their tone. Both embraced

u both," I sa

you like hell.

ng me. Her eyes dropped on my ring finger. She gaped, " The

breath. I tried to remove it the whole w

you know. " Rose wi

s**. " Mini

You both are jerks. " I grimaced.

gether. Her husband got a love bi

id my face in my hands, " Can w

sed her best smile to me. She was lo

s? " I asked. He didn't drop me home. I was assured that it was a sh

dads and we had found you the whole evening. Your husband came at midnight and declared your

. " Mini

t? " I aske

ove with him. It was all plann

" I completed it w

e you. " R

enough. " Mini ma

enough. " I grinn

one. " A familiar voic

ofessor Agarwal!

three hours." Tann said, leaving me with my friends and profe

sappointing and

an meet her. " I

n this farmhouse. I loved my friends who were here with me when my own parents did

ing to be nice? Being with my friends made me happy as nothing bad happened to me. Time was ru

ore time together?

. " He said, lookin

ting this entire day. We should

st noon. "

t time. " Tann said

e phone." I waved my

rents will not int

e tightly hugged me back and Mini placed a kiss on my cheek. I said goodbye to t

em again? " I asked, loo

n your husban

st have a name. " I

t you ask hi

you tell me?

on on this earth, who touched him an

caring me?

'm not getting a reply from him. My m

asked. It slippe

but didn't

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