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The Lycan king's slave

Chapter 2 Ch 2; The confrontation

Word Count: 2003    |    Released on: 13/02/2023

out. I was going to be doomed, disgraced, and a slave. This was not what I had in mind when he convinced me of staying close to his side one year

monitored heavily. I cried some more to the reality that was now in front of me, I was alone, all alone in this world. With my parents gone, Adrian was the only one I felt I could call family, I could depend on, and then Linda. But they had both betrayed me like I was a piece of biscuit that they can manage to do away with. Thank God I have learned how to at least defend myself when it came to it, my father made sure I was skilled enough to do that, and he has told me countless times that I would need the lessons and that I should take them seriously. Thank God I did, if I manage to escape from the walls of the pack, I would be needing all the lessons I have learned to protect myself because then, it would be quite difficult to stay safe when everybody would be after you. But going outside there would be much better than the shame and disgrace I would face in the pack. I will only need to wait for only three more days since I have to wait for the ceremony to be declared not happening, it's too late to cancel now. It is said to always cancel at least one week before the date of any ceremony, that way it would not cause too much chaos. And since I know that after the declaration of rejection, people would not pay me much attention until when it was time to move to the Lycan King. They would not think much of me since then, I would be able to plan my escape. I won't be the future Luna anymore, someone else will. When I woke up the next morning, I found myself just where I had sat on the floor the night before, I must have been able to sleep after so much crying, I sat there still reliving the actions of last night, and I hope that it was just a dream. But it wasn't when the omega assigned to me came knocking to ask me if I was going to eat with the pack members or if I would like to eat in my room "They have been waiting for you " I could hear her say " The Alpha said I should ask you, Luna, if you want to eat with them or eat alone " Like I would be able to eat anything at all, but it seems like he was not bothered at all about what had taken place the night before, seeing the way he sent someone instead of showing his face to me. I thought. But it still felt good that they still called me Luna even though everybody knows I am not officially one yet, everyone has always believed that I was their future Luna, that was supposed to be it, the only thing that was supposed to remain was the ceremony. I am going to enjoy it for the next two days as much as I can possibly can, I would enjoy all the privilege that came with being the Luna. " Yes please I will like to have my meal here, I must have slept off too late to wake up this late. Tell everyone I am sorry I didn't show up early " " Okay Luna " As I was about to close my door once again, I saw a hand gripping the door from being closed. It was Linda " Lisa, you must still be enjoying the fact that you are being called the Luna, that position would become mine very soon " she looked down at her fingers rubbing them together, then added," I think in just two days, the same day as your supposed

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1 Chapter 1 Ch 1; The betrayal2 Chapter 2 Ch 2; The confrontation3 Chapter 3 Ch 3; The white room4 Chapter 4 Ch 4; The white room 25 Chapter 5 Ch 5; Christy6 Chapter 6 Ch 6; The failed escape7 Chapter 7 ch 7; the lycan king8 Chapter 8 Ch 8; what's the fear 9 Chapter 9 Ch 9; Regret10 Chapter 10 Ch 10; The elevation11 Chapter 11 Ch 11; the confrontation12 Chapter 12 Ch 12; HIM13 Chapter 13 Ch 13; the lycan king's personal slave.14 Chapter 14 Ch 14; you are mine.15 Chapter 15 Ch 15; watch me punish the prisoners16 Chapter 16 Ch 16; Fear, as it creeps my heart.17 Chapter 17 Ch 17; Ain't you here to warm my bed 18 Chapter 18 Ch 18; Showers of the rain19 Chapter 19 Ch 19; Her seductive body20 Chapter 20 Ch 20; the gorgeous brother21 Chapter 21 The not-so-secret vacation 22 Chapter 22 Ch 22; Why do you hate me so 23 Chapter 23 Ch 23; Out of my head24 Chapter 24 Ch 24; Elisabeth's mother25 Chapter 25 Ch 25; unsettled affairs26 Chapter 26 Ch 26; The regret 27 Chapter 27 Ch 27;unmatched plan28 Chapter 28 Ch 28; Misplaced jealousy 29 Chapter 29 Ch 29; No trail back30 Chapter 30 Ch 30; The futile journey 31 Chapter 31 Ch 31; No turning back32 Chapter 32 Ch 32; Another enemy 33 Chapter 33 Ch 33; Chris34 Chapter 34 Ch 34; Chris 235 Chapter 35 Ch; 36 Chapter 36 Ch 3637 Chapter 37 Ch 3738 Chapter 38 Ch 3839 Chapter 39 Ch 3940 Chapter 40 Ch 4041 Chapter 41 Ch42 Chapter 42 Ch 4243 Chapter 43 Ch 4344 Chapter 44 Ch 4445 Chapter 45 Ch 4546 Chapter 46 Ch 4647 Chapter 47 Ch 4748 Chapter 48 Ch 4849 Chapter 49 Ch 4950 Chapter 50 Ch 50