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The Lycan king's slave

Chapter 6 Ch 6; The failed escape

Word Count: 1582    |    Released on: 13/02/2023

n, then I turned my attention to Luke " What is happening? When do we start having any securities working this late at night? " He didn't as much as turn his face to look at me where I was st

rom them at all, I would not say I was not expecting that reaction but he is also the only one that knew me so deeply amongst them there. "Adrian This not what you think it is . . . " I started to say, then I remember Christy once again " Adrian look, this woman was not with me on this, I forced her to come with me, there is no need to hold her responsible for this madness, let her go and take me, She was only doing my bidding, she had no choice, you know how I can be when I want to be really persuasive, and as you can see, she is just an old woman, she has no defense" As I said those words, I prayed that Christy would not find any offense from how I described her, I know she didn't like to be called 'old' but that was the only defense I had. "Listen to me Lisa, you are making it difficult for me to help you at all, you are not listening to me, and I am only trying to help you, why the heck won't you listen?" He said eyes glaring at me. What does he mean by that? I thought to myself, why does he keep saying he was helping me, for as far as I know he has not tried to help me one bit, from the beginning of the problem and his cheat to the end they were in now, he has never helped me, Damn! He has not even bothered to apologize, but there he was saying he was helping me " Damn you, Adrian, damn you! " I said without even realizing it, He was treating me more badly because he was not even acknowledging his wrong. " How dare you come to my face and tell me you were helping me, how dare you !? When it is your new bitch you have been protecting all this while? " "Don't you call her a bitch! She is the mother to the heir of this pack " He warned, his eyes still glaring at me as if he was going to penetrate my heart and burn it up. How can he even defend her in this situation . . . " It is me who has been wronged by you and Linda, but you still stand her in front of me to defend her, how pathetic can you be Adrian " "Lisa ! stop acting like the victim, nobody did this to you, you did this to yourself. You caused all that has happened to you in the past, you caused them all, so instead of you finding someone else to blame for this, blame yourself " That was it! There was no reason in the world to make me keep on talking back and forth with him, he would never learn, and he would never listen, so instead of replying to him like he would wan

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1 Chapter 1 Ch 1; The betrayal2 Chapter 2 Ch 2; The confrontation3 Chapter 3 Ch 3; The white room4 Chapter 4 Ch 4; The white room 25 Chapter 5 Ch 5; Christy6 Chapter 6 Ch 6; The failed escape7 Chapter 7 ch 7; the lycan king8 Chapter 8 Ch 8; what's the fear 9 Chapter 9 Ch 9; Regret10 Chapter 10 Ch 10; The elevation11 Chapter 11 Ch 11; the confrontation12 Chapter 12 Ch 12; HIM13 Chapter 13 Ch 13; the lycan king's personal slave.14 Chapter 14 Ch 14; you are mine.15 Chapter 15 Ch 15; watch me punish the prisoners16 Chapter 16 Ch 16; Fear, as it creeps my heart.17 Chapter 17 Ch 17; Ain't you here to warm my bed 18 Chapter 18 Ch 18; Showers of the rain19 Chapter 19 Ch 19; Her seductive body20 Chapter 20 Ch 20; the gorgeous brother21 Chapter 21 The not-so-secret vacation 22 Chapter 22 Ch 22; Why do you hate me so 23 Chapter 23 Ch 23; Out of my head24 Chapter 24 Ch 24; Elisabeth's mother25 Chapter 25 Ch 25; unsettled affairs26 Chapter 26 Ch 26; The regret 27 Chapter 27 Ch 27;unmatched plan28 Chapter 28 Ch 28; Misplaced jealousy 29 Chapter 29 Ch 29; No trail back30 Chapter 30 Ch 30; The futile journey 31 Chapter 31 Ch 31; No turning back32 Chapter 32 Ch 32; Another enemy 33 Chapter 33 Ch 33; Chris34 Chapter 34 Ch 34; Chris 235 Chapter 35 Ch; 36 Chapter 36 Ch 3637 Chapter 37 Ch 3738 Chapter 38 Ch 3839 Chapter 39 Ch 3940 Chapter 40 Ch 4041 Chapter 41 Ch42 Chapter 42 Ch 4243 Chapter 43 Ch 4344 Chapter 44 Ch 4445 Chapter 45 Ch 4546 Chapter 46 Ch 4647 Chapter 47 Ch 4748 Chapter 48 Ch 4849 Chapter 49 Ch 4950 Chapter 50 Ch 50