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 Hybrid Revenge

Hybrid Revenge


Chapter 1 The Meeting

Word Count: 3354    |    Released on: 16/02/2023

ts at a place she never liked. She works there as a sales girl doing all sorts of chores with bad pay by the e

d happen. This is not the first time that she got into a fight with a customer, there was a day, this particular day, unlike this one, it was during the day, a customer had come into the place with his group of friends, young boy, they look within the same age bracket just like Tracy, these boys might be of the same age with these boys but knew she was not in their level, and even though they were decently dressed all of them, they all look like they were coming from a funeral service or something and so they decided to stop by and grab something to eat, Tracy was the person to attend to them, she was polite to the gentlemen and then she began taking their orders, of course, they all looked like the good guys until they suddenly began to act like they've lost their

les, stated it on the writeup on thee doorway to his office, which says " strike 1 you get a warning, strike 2 you are done" this was Tracy's third strike, the manager's pretence to believes in the popular saying that "customers are always right", which obviously means customer above all, well, Mr. Henry is not a gentleman himself and he believes that once you work for him he can do anything he wants with you, after all, he put food on our tables, but rumour has it that he may have slept with every girl In the Diner, he has no respect for his workers especially the female ones, he sees us more or less like sex objects, he will often deceive us to coming into his bed for position and money, the over-ambitious ones have all fallen prey to his dirty plays, how he treats them all like shits is not a good sight to behold. On the night Tracy had slapped the customer, Mr. Henry had dashed out of his office like someone chased by the bees to the marketplace, he ran and immediately apologized to the customer and quickly blamed Tracy for everything and pleaded to compensate the customer for whatever trouble his workers may have caused and afterward he decided to humiliate Tracy by asking her to pack up her things and leave the premises never to return. Tracy slapped the customer he claim

efore and given her a last warning. Tracy was already tired and so she owes no one any apology for her great body they said she got it all from her mother, along with her charming face and smile, it is said that no one looks at Tracy that won't look again, part of the reasons why M

knows that Tracy didn't fancy the job anyway as it looks somehow like somewhere inside of her something kept on telling her that she deserves more or maybe she just doesn't fit in, where one work is supposed to bring one happiness and satisfaction but everyone could almost see through Tracy that working at the Diner does

the kitchen. While other men would look at her and only God knows what's going on in their minds, while for others you find their wives feeling embarrassed to the point where they have to drag their husbands from Tracy's spell. I don't blame any customer for feeling that way, it's not their fault and neither is it the fault of Tracy for having such a beautifully

people should work at places or jobs they are comfortable with; there

reason why she ever thought to work there in the first place was for the money, always the money, money makes people do some crazy things including sacrificing their happiness. Nearly eighty-five percent of working-class people work at

l hardly come by; it strikes at an instance, and like any of us with no profound education or good parenting to help put us in the right path or system but, we must survi

f them long before she became thirteen, the first in foster care, she was just 11 then, all of them had their troubles

ill go to foster care and stay but she broke the promise she made to her dying mother on that day, with the things she saw she could never have stayed and endured such a horrendously hopeless life, where every meal is more or less a privilege one must kiss boots to get, she ran and never stopped. She ran and never looked back, ever since she made the streets her

r and she never forgave herself too for the death of Kaleb, their son; Tracy's kid brother. Her husband would sit every day beside the grave of Kaleb, crying, and would not stop. My f

Kaleb and I was a gap of 9 years between us, my mother would say that my father would stay up all night praying that her next child is a boy, he wanted a

than a boy, and he got it but death took him away along with everyone that ever loved it

usband. She would cry all through the night, and each time she looked through the kitchen window and found the kids

and his father, I could count the number of times that I saw my mother laugh. There was this one time I saw her laugh and it was the pictures

. I could see her looking through the window. I knew what she was looking at, I knew for sure that whatever it was that she was looking at on

le all that concerns mother's health issues, she was already halfway gone, and watching how bit by bit as memories and guilt stole my mother away is never a good scene to behold, my mother could hardly sleep at night and her constant thinking made it worst, I warned her severally that she would think herself to

my child, your brother and your father as they call to me, he calls to me and she was always scared to sleep because of all kinds of nightmares, so her blood pressure was constantly high, then it became worst when the blood pressure

it's not about working and getting paid then she is not talking, it was only a matter of time before you work for someone like Mr. Henry, such a fine name but I bet you, he is the most disgusting old man I ever saw.

before the "face" stands for "fuck", Mr.Henry is got such a huge moon face with a disgusting mustache that dances up and down the entire place as long as he's talking, e

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