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The Mafia Don's Captive

Chapter 2 1

Word Count: 1874    |    Released on: 17/02/2023


ned contents of the little, offensive shack. I can't believe how anyone could live in such a deadbeat place, but it wasn't exactly surprising when it came to Patri

e? Are th

None of m

receive an a

ens his mouth to say something, then close it right back. I feel my jaw tick. I have little pati

h. "What are you guys? Chickens? You two do know that I'm not sa

, Si

t want to hear it. Just tell me i

e retrieved it

back around. "What

r to me and I lick my bottom lip unconsciously. Titania Williams. Bea

he rosiest pink. She looks at least seven years younger than twenty-two. Her cheekbones are well-defined,

g his head that was previously lolling on his shoulder to peer blearily at us. At the si

with an edge to it. His eyes are drawn to the floor where his daughter is, a

pare her. She's my niece

sitting man, pressing the barrel of his gun to the b

he consequences before you went right ahead to steal from me," his sobs deepen and I cringe at the hoarseness of it. Just then the girl stirs, sitti


even with the blindfold on, she's a lot

ing her head toward my direction. "Did you tell her what you did?" I

rom you. Believe me, I wasn't going

smacks him on the side of his

week to return th

finger. I stayed in the hospital for days. You can

the way her lips move as she swallows h

me to pick it up, if truly you intended to give it back? And what do you have to say about the passports

e a stream. "Please, Kristoff," he wails like a baby, "this is all a big

ilfering arse, don't bloody touch what belongs to me. You wanted to steal my mother's most prized possession. MY MOST PRIZED P


suddenly chips in. "My uncle made

oice is tender; like a soft ringing bell and I know she's trying her hardest

g. "What do you mean I should forgive him for you

ht not mean anything to you, but please," she straightens som

the way she says it with emotion strikes me. She's pleading for the old fool's life, instead of h

me do, princess? Let h

ood. She's well aware that I'm not even r

rs are free falling faster than before, making h

that the consequences of his actions would ever be extended to her. I hate the fact that they're related, an

ie h

kes her arm and helps her to her feet, dusting her off. My eyes sift over her appearance, drawn to the star-shaped birthmark on her left ba

in the melody of the words. What a

of golden curls that cascades down her shoulders. Tracing my fingers over her warm skin, I take a deep whiff, satisfied

you a

hardens as she sinks onto me, like a body meeting the

her ear lobe, tugging it between my fingers. "I

ils. This is business. Deep, dark, shitty business, and your uncle knew this before he went right ahead to st

th a sigh, wiping her

, "dragged you into this. This isn't your place Tit

obes, her jaw suddenly set sharply. "H's not facing

dear uncle's head into two halves and b

er tears dampen the blindfold, her shoulders shakin

ng that this is just a

. Titania's eyes dim as she chortles in fright. I stumble back slightly when she throws herself

r. Just lis

his life, I think we

u if you keep him alive

e insult your dear uncle bestowed on my image. His death will se

ding my hands. "I'll do anything. J

xcuse. It was a

anything you want

as I think carefully, my eyes drawn to how fi

, raising her chin. I watch as she swal

aw, to her throat, over the small hollow between her collarbones, the skin of her chest, stopping

et me fuck y

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