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The Mafia Don's Captive

Chapter 3 2

Word Count: 1563    |    Released on: 17/02/2023


ng hard in shock. I fold my arms across my chest and tilt my head


the only way I can set your uncle free," I move to stand behind her, tugging

es her head regret

nia. I've given you my terms...how much I feel I can help you out with. It's now le

ously, her movements jerky and unsteady. I whistle as I wait for her response. At last, when she se

ague. When she tries to take her blindfold off, my cold voice stops her. "D

ustrous hair to the left side of her face, exposing her unblemished neck. Exhaling softly, I sweep my

ce more and reluctantly nods, holding her breath as I pluck

raps. Her small, full breasts fall as I toss the white bra aside and I cup them up, l

in his tears. "No, Titania. Don'

n spike of anger in my chest.

k continues as though I've not spoken at all. "She's

that she wouldn't be doing this?" I fume, snatching the gun from Peter an

't hurt him," Titani

should be appreciative of your efforts. I can handle him be

inger on why it a

ssures him. "I know what I'

out this, Titania? Leave. Leave him with me. Let him suffer the repercussions alone. It's cryst

I don't expect you to understand because you have none. Maybe

line and suddenly, I wish to see her eyes. To see how the rage would mix with the stark blue. True to her words, I have no family. It's a well-known fact that I hate being remind

mething to dislike her for, I'm powerless. For the first time

ol are shocked as well

glances Peter and his companion steal at each other, I've only deepened the insult. "If bringing my family into this truffl

flashing across her delicate featu

f my blatant interest in her. In truth, she has more control over this situation than I do. S


e month. You'll stay under my roof, eat my food


job in one of my firms to keep a similar future occurrence from happening. But if I catch h

ses it back, breathing heavily as she tries

han a minute to

sexually...does it mean we

at's for me

uffs, nose scrunched up in disgust.

f to me. In your words, you'll do anything I ask of you. S

tain expression. He's

l I want is to own her. Thirty days. Her

e a reply, I signal Peter to

atever you say. Please don

t, so close to the scalp. He whimpers in pain. "You shameless old man. Look what your self

n him further," Titania cries out. "Leave hi

he side of Patrick's hea

ed with each other. "You can this stop this, you fool. Tell me the bloody truth. Who told you to steal the ring fr

ift over to where Titania sta

. "You're a disgrace. A terrible uncle


it my uncle? Was he the on

c with fear, confirming my suspicions. Goddammit.

nees, clasping her hands together in front of her. "I'v

all waist and thrusting my face in between her face and shoulder. She goes rigid at

or her blindfold. "So pretty.

pe you've got thick skin because after I'm done with you after thirty days

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