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Once Bitten Twice Shy

Chapter 5 Two months in a resort

Word Count: 1034    |    Released on: 25/02/2023

he now?” Tiffany licked her lips, her mind unable to process what the little boy was telling her. “Yup,” he replied. “She's been helping him remember things.” Tiffany looked back down at him in

lared at her. Her eyes shaking and reddening as she continued to gloom. “Fuck you! Don't ever come here again!” She banged the door at Tiffany's face and as she walked away, Tiffany could hear her scurrying angry footsteps. Tiffany got down from the porch and walked around the house, studying it's complexity and unusualness. As she walked, the sound of horses directed her and she found herself in a ranch. The one in particular that Christian had always told her about. She heard footsteps and so she knew he was inside, there wasn't any other pair off feet she could hear. He was alone. And so she opened the ranch's door and walked in. “Is that Silverbee?” she asked him, she noticed the startled look on his face and stopped herself from laughing. “How did you get in here?” he questioned her. “I heard your horses,” Tiffany replied. “You always liked to talk about your horses. Well, not as much as you liked to talk about soccer but yes.” “I don't know how you knew about Silverbee but I really suggest you leave.” He petted the white horse, stroking it's neck gently and causing Tiffany to smile. She understood now why he called it Silverbee. The animal was as white as the snow on the ground and as glorious as Nathan had once explained to her. “You should have told me that you had lost your memory,” Tiffany said. “Parts of it.” Christian chortled. “Oh, really? So you didn't know that before you came here yesterday.” “Christian, of course I didn't. What the hell do you take me for?” “I don't know you,” he replied. “But what I would take you for is a woman who's trying to exploit my loss of memory with a fairytale about she and I. It is not going to work, Tiff

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