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Once Bitten Twice Shy

Chapter 3 Taste of Betrayal

Word Count: 1073    |    Released on: 23/02/2023

ed. She took a second to process what Brea might want t

bout hi

• • ֎ • •

ld her that they were very controlling and traditional. But that had to be the

ny had no information about it. How had Brea known? Hernandez had t

that both of the

She turned up the road, a feeling of isolation as she crossed the creek

home a lot of times and also how to get there but she had never been t

g's architecture. It wasn't exactly a hospitable home but it stank of wealthiness and extravagant traditional privileged lifestyle. There were no Christmas lights stretched across the eaves. It was late in February but mo

walk into the Lion's Den and as worried as she was about his family, she knew Nathan would be glad to see her. Why hadn't he calle

apping her tummy. “Let's do this.” She open

les that were parked along the side of the house were entirely covered with snow. She remembered Chris

ing out at her from a large window under the eave above the third floor. The face

f. “And now the family knows I'm here.” One more d

ith a dish towel in her free hand. “Yes?”

s,” Tiffany said. “I'm her

iffany tried to decipher whether or not she was the same person she had

ly as she opened her coat and tapped her tummy

he woman

Tiffany Andrews. He knows who I am.” Tiffany started

Mr. Salazar isn't seei

. “He would wa

locked her entry. “I ca

” called a feminine voice from

d in from the cold, breathing a sigh of relief. She rubbed he

entionally glassy. There were statues of goblins placed on both sides of the stairs and little warmth resonated in the room, from the bright hardwood floors to the bright red carpet and gigant

ffany, from her sharp brown eyes to her skinny long legs. Tiffany could tell

ancée, Tiff

y how loud and sharp it was, biting it's way through the silence of the

She was strikingly tall for a lady, she had to be close to six foot t

e. “Even if what you're saying is true, I wo

ime she was told that by a member of

Why are you all stopping me from seeing Christian? Its

ed hellishly once aga

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