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His Ugly Mate

Chapter 4 you will lose!

Word Count: 827    |    Released on: 24/02/2023


eaned my head toward him as I mu

r suffering for the past ten years. You need to make up for your mistakes right away, or else I will have n

in my head, I finally spoke up and asked, "so, if I accept her as my mate, you w

he time. Yes, I had a dream about doing that. I was des

nded, "yes, I will. Now, what

expression of defeat. "Is there another choic

bowed my head and said, "So, I need to apologize to you.

aid, "My Alpha, I will d

mpossible for me to tell. I didn't care. I was acting as though I were sorry for what

arms around her and we w

beast! Whenever we are in public, you will need to act as happy Luna." I then locked the door. " But inside our room. I hope I never have to look at your ugly face again. Dammit! Do you really believe that you can use what happened to you as an e

e fact that I would have to hold out u

waited a year before forcing her to leave that castle. To

and gave a slight nod before sa

look!" Do you have any idea how reprehensible you are?! Even when I try to look at you, I can't. How are you able to look at yourself in the mirror? Never again

ou either. However, are you aware of this? I'm not the evil one in this

il then, we shouldn't have any further conversation. Could you not present yourself to me in person? Now, go lie down on the co

ed down to my underwear, threw myself on the mattress, and went to sleep as I norma


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