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Left Tackle Thayer


Word Count: 2509    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ere was it?" aske

Wiggin's je

Who s

! I seen i

he bur

out of the window and gone in. Wh

ested a small man across the r

got away with nearly a thousand dollars' worth of stuf

? When was

about it, though, he says, and the next time he came round front he looked again and it was gone. The papers had it last week where there was a job just like that done over to Maynard. Two ginks in an automobi

was only recalled to them by an odour of scorching eggs. Two of the customers, having finished breakfast, made known their intention of visit

egan Clint. But Amy

hear more,"

local police, was already busy. "He's telephoned all around," said Mike, "and told them to look out for the automobi

did they get, Mike?"

he box they keep their diamonds and stones that ain't set in out of the safe. They found it back of th

ing to disguise their eagerness. After the door had closed behind them the man w

ast. Said they was nigh starved. Looked it, too. And mighty tired. Nice-

trangers here. Got a

sked Amy eagerly as th

lint doubtfully. "What wo

all right. You see if it isn't. Maybe they'll offer a reward a

d another thing we'd better do is telephone to school and tell them we aren't dead. We're going to catch the

n the next block," said Amy. "Who

etty fond of it,

ou'd better do it. And get Josh himself, if you can. He'll like it

coated policeman who had been observing their approach w

e said. "Where'd

is, we came from there this morning, or, rath

ou said Thacher. Wh

st our way last night and o

take the seven

ere getting some breakfast at a restaurant down the

press to New York, son. What

his is Byrd. We go t

t you a long w

ellow offered to give us a ride in an automobile as far as this place and we got in and a whee

fellow was this? The one

d, with kind of long hair, light-

you hi

He drives the auto for some l

ters this morning, and I guess you'd both better step around to the station with me." He smiled. "

a half-block distant on a side street and their captor ushered them up the steps and into a room w

ain Street just now. I guess they're all right,

ncerting stare, had the Chief, and the boys began to wonder

said finally, "wh

Academy," r

away, a

team and started over here in a fellow's auto and it broke down about--about four

e hut?" asked

here and Thacher. About f

"We walked four miles, I guess,

telephone and inquiring of the two local garages if such a car had been brought in for repairs. B

found that nut," said Amy,

"Who did you say the fe

rgotten the name. Some

here to get the hot

what h

idn't see

r, not


iringly at Clint

ed at the hut in the night," conclud

an and asked indifferently: "Oh, there was a car

ur eyes. Then we heard the car chugging on the road and two men got out and came toward t

hat were they wal

know, s

the men who robbed the jewelry store and that

d you any jewelry st

about it at the restauran

e was

locks that wa

e name on the doo

e were burying something why didn't you

ow what they were doing. It was dark and we had no matches. After they had gone we

time w

t four o'clock. We cou

across the desk. "Let

, sir?" a

and was quite evidently far from new. The Chief examined it, opened the back and read the number, and refer

turning them. "What did

lectric torch and they lighted it only twice. We could j


was a shovel

on the car lighte

they put

ugh to say whether it was

ave an idea it was sort of smal

f the telephone receiver again. "Hello! Get me Brimfield Academy at

, sir," wh

int nodded his head. "Well, this is the Chief of Police at Wharton. Have you got two boys at your school named Clinton Thayer and Amory Byrd, Mr. Fernald? Have, eh? Are they there now?... I see. Well, I guess I'v

t the telephone a

got lost last night and had to sleep in a hut near here and we've on

to get lost?" asked

ined as bes

there w

you want to

once. I want this explained a little better, Thayer. That's

, s

et back on th

ef as he returned the

waxy?" asked

eplied. "He wants us to beat

estrain my eagern

taking?" asked the Chief, drawi

six," replied Clint, "but this--this of

you, Gus? This is Dave Carey. Say, Gus, I want an auto to hold five of us besides your driver. What say? Yes, right away. Well, hunt him up. Get here by eight sure. At the station, yes. All right." The Chief returned the receiver and leaned back. "I guess," he said, "you boys had better

reward for i

the fellows who did it. If you can show us where they are you might make a couple of h

mourned Amy. "How much is the

some of it, though. Seven watches, eleven seals and a lot of pins and brooches and studs. They missed the

ared and the boys sea

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