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Billionaire's Personal Pornstar

Billionaire's Personal Pornstar

Author: Ali Ce

Chapter 1 The Contract

Word Count: 976    |    Released on: 01/03/2023

, and one elbow casually propped on the table. Her unwavering gaze remai

her expression as she absentmindedly swir

tch, revealing her growing impatience as the hour ha

ered the bar, his fingers restlessly scratching the

, Marie's eyebrows knit

u'd never arrive, Raymond. I

briefly to pull a slightly soiled handkerchief

. "I got held up at the office. You know how it is – once filmi

ceful sip from h

do you bring? You mentione

ement ignited in

's exactly why I'm running late. The concept the directors have

ity, Marie lea


s smile

tention. We're delving into th

reality porn videos were far from

re the news. "But this isn't just another reality video

gued and perplexed Marie.

elucidated. "We've handpicked a senior high school as our backdrop. The

Marie's brow. "That

on to my opinion? I'm just the film editor. Regardless, the directors came up with a plot involving a porn actress engaging in explicit

elegantly selecting two cigarettes. She handed one to

, allowing the flame to flicker before lighting her cigarette. She extended the matchbox to Raymond. "The school admin

matter? Xhub is a heavyweight in the industry. If the school takes legal action

from her cigarette, her expression tinged with a h

, Fred had to dig deep into his pockets. But that's the cost of doing business. T

h. "So, where do I fi

ou about this. We meticulously went through our roster of actresses earlier

composure, though a flicker of

y m

ply. "We held a meeting, and Fred couldn't stop raving about you. Your intellect, your beauty, your physique – the

her glass, allowing the liquid to li

ough her mind, her interest fully c

e compe

confidently. "A hund

and a cooling rationality. Even in her wildest dreams

r over three years, this was the mos

te the gene

lantly. "It's the highest figure Fr

y be another eager performer ready to seize the opportunity without hesit

tial consequences? Wh

nk, Raymond r

management. In the entertainment industry, we chase our goals

t proved enough to

m on board,"

ght that she would soon be involved in intimate encounters wit

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