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Billionaire's Personal Pornstar

Chapter 2 Silent Wish

Word Count: 2637    |    Released on: 01/03/2023

na cúm!!!!!" Marie moaned loudly, f

o a glorious órgasm that d

through the room, signaling the conclusion

n, a testament to their synchronized performance. She pondered whether his excessive ejaculation was a result of some form of substance, a recurring

is gaze steady and reassuring

rself from the bed's embrace, her bod

ior, approached the duo with approving words. "R

t the aftermath, Marie contemplated the idea of retreating f

hower," she conveyed, the thought

ling further conversation to follow. "Meet me bef

ffering it to Marie. "You mi

e accepted the towel from h

e scene – the dynamic of a stepfather

en roles. Despite Garfield's marital commitment, their rapport remained unblemished. His wife's aw

tness her husband's intimate encounters with other women. T

cely. Her daughter, a source of unwavering motivation,

ive dressing rooms, Garfield initiated conversation once more.

logue. "Congratulations," Garfield interjected wi

pite the explicit nature of their on-screen performances, their interaction

their relationship was characterized by mutual re

ng towards a packet of cigarettes tucked into his hip pocket. Conce

was directed at

panied by a stretch that showcased his well-defined abs against the can

blend of exasperation and affection underlying his words

lined with various rooms, the two partners embarked on

garettes, igniting one with thoughtful deliberation. Amidst her makeup table'

"Rosy." She brought the phone to her ear, allowing te

ng as people traversed the bustling sidewalks below, cre

flowed through the phone

el conveying a sense of connection across th

at Mrs. Pamela's house," Rosy's word

he pictured Rosy's face in her mind. "That's good, sweetheart

s voice danced with enthu

g melon soup is quite an endeavor. It's not just the expense but also the effort. Grinding

the melon soup, a favorite th

es, Marie eventually yielded. "Alright

, her joy evident in the lightheartedness o

ween her fingers. Exhaling a steady stream of smoke, she wa

e's existence. Regardless of the challenges that life posed, Marie was

uge in the solace of a shower. As the warm water cascaded over her eb

r of her parents when she was just a teen, launching her onto the unforgiving streets. Parenthood

film performer. Her choice, unconventional though it may be, was driven by the necessity of securing her an

exuded confidence. In a realm where many opted for surgical alterations, she remained comm

ity. Well-defined breasts and shapely hips bore no traces of stretch marks

oud black woman, she refused to feel any shame despite being surroun

pay. The disparity was a glaring reflection of systemic biases. Many black actresses felt compelled to r

r identity over the allure of greater earnings. She remained unapologetically

to Brooklyn, New York, where they had woven their lives into the fabric of American society

s of water glistening on her skin. The chill in the air prompted her to select a pa

"Come on in, Marie." His uncanny ability to discern visitors was a marvel that

in a chair across from Fred. His focus was on his laptop, analyzing her performance with unw

ey into the industry. The casual exchange began with her inquiry, "What's

fting to Marie. "How's Rosy?" His question delved into the p

he matter at hand. "Excellent. Now, regarding the rea

understanding of the world they navigated. "If

l incentive is quite attractive – a hundred thousand dollars becko

hint of trepidation surfaced. "But, Fred, what if we enc

carry that burden, Marie. We've taken all precautions. The principal is on board; his des

on followed, "Is it tr

ament to meticulous planning. "Absolutely, Marie. These boys have been chos

ked for this covert venture, their names – Theo, Scott, Tyler

rchestrated. Strategic locations with hidden cameras have been selected around the school. You'll engage with them privately, performing your act of seducti

wrestled with the ethical implications. Her atte

white boys, stood out

her. The path she was embarking upon was fraught with mo


with a gulp of water, he couldn't help but feel a sense of resignation. These pills were a daily reminder of his

ital role in his well-being, they cast a shadow over him that seemed to erode his sense of nor

y tinge. Anyone meeting Dawson would think he had it all – being the son of Nicole Donovan, one of the country's wealthiest individuals.

s prized possession. The weight of his father's legacy trans

tent on Dawson attending a local high school, believin

th within their home and at school. Dawson's father firmly believed that sex was

ol over his appearance and social interactions. No tattoos, pierci

ll was the prohibition against marrying a black woman. The

with a woman, brainwashed by his father's teachings that sex before marriage was a grave sin. Yet, a dormant desi

xplore his yearnings without getting physically involved. He nursed a hidden appreciation for black women


ched his private browser and began his search for TEMPTING LILY's latest video. Her allure drew him in – the ca

egulations. The narrative, where she played a stepdaughter, intertwined sensuality and forbidden desire. D

lish accent echoed from outside his door. His heart raced as h

lly, "dinner is ready. Would you prefer to din

is internal turmoil. "I'm not hungry," he replied with a hint of

ating with his medication. Despite the pleas, Dawson's resolv

heir was suffocating. Gazing out the window, he found solace in the starry night sky, and as a shooting star streaked across

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