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Wanted: Mommy for the Single Hot Daddy's Kid

Chapter 2 Happy Seventh Birthday

Word Count: 1497    |    Released on: 02/03/2023

the most precious one. He seemed unable to believe how fast the days and years went by. His baby, Heather, was now seven years old, and she turned out to be a real pretty girl. He kne

id after they finished singing the song. Everyone was clap

. I also wish to see my mom," Heather said as she blew the candles on her cak

ll Heather that the girl in the picture wasn't her mom. I tried to, but seeing how she sincerely t

while looking at her granddaughter, who was a bit far away from where they were—enjoying her birthday party. "If only I k

intention of giving her that picture wasn't bad, after a

. There, we will explain everything to Heather—I will explain everything that happened, then you will say


r it," Lisa gave

e town park with his mom and daughter. They were now very determined to

e we're with daddy! This is my best birthday ever!" Heather said in excitement, makin

r somewhere nearby. They let Heather run for a w

is going to be fine…." Lisa reminded him aga

ly love that swing, dad! I feel like I'm flying!" She said, while acting as

steps before he managed to utter a word. "Listen, baby.

Abuela?" She inno

ew more steps, then sat on one of the park benches before Lisa spoke. "Do y

ile, she thought. "I'm not quite sure, Abuel

you…" Lisa said as she held Heather's hand. "You were crying so badly that day because you lost your balloon, then

then looked at Stanley, signaling him

ther, listen carefully, okay? That picture in your room was—" And just when

away from them. Heather hugged her with a pure genuine smile all over her angel face. She was the only one

s Lisa, couldn't b

e girl in

you, Daddy! Thank you, Abuela! Thank you for bringing my mommy b

y she was and seeing how he could completely hurt her feelings when he let her know the truth at that exact time tore him apart.

to talk to your mom," he then said as he looked to the lady who a

t's go!" Heather happily

he offered

g his hand, Stanley just took it away. "That was Heather, my

alling me mommy? Third, what were all these about? I'm sorry, Sir,

. Please, just let me." The lady could see su

aurant were completely awkward. T

your talk, Sir.

tarted. "So, like what I have said, she was H

get to t

nd according to my mom, you made her stop

hearing those words, "she was that girl

ember?" Stan

, and she's a big girl now. Unfortunately, that w

ve the

, wh

nley repeated. "And you

you wanna keep that?"

cried back then. We actually just wanted to use your picture fo


ther," Stanley revealed. "Until n

ou tell her the tru

I love her smile, but she never smiled that way before. She was the happiest. And I know that we should tell her the truth, but I just can

hat are you plan

me know your

she fina

aze outside the window. He then looked at her.

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