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Wanted: Mommy for the Single Hot Daddy's Kid

Chapter 6 I Love You, He Said

Word Count: 1370    |    Released on: 02/03/2023

e for the family day's first game!" Heather e

the family day with a foot injury," Max

as her mom, and the first time in many years that Heather's classmates would see her with h

leefully said. It made Maxine smile while double

nd teachers. The place was full of colorful buntings and happy families in their different colo

nted you guys to meet her," Heather suddenly said, taking everyone's attention, whi

er's classmates said. "You are really beautiful," sh

esponded as she patted her head. "I am

interfered, making Maxine completely speechless. Some of her cla

tanley finally came back

and not Maxine, right daddy?" Heather complained. It made

aureen Maxine. Maxine was her second name," he lied, thinking that this was the

" he then said to Maxi

nded with a smile, not

rt in a while. Please go to your designated

including the Robbins. They gladly join every game and do it with such teamwork, competitivenes

!" Stanley said while

best!" Heather excitedly said while jumping over and over. Sh

, baby," Max

mom!" Heather said before she r

t was when she realized that Stanley was not around anymore. She roamed her eyes around

aughed at the

in the washroom. Thinking that it was taking her t

that's why you won!" A girl shouted inside the washroom. Maxine saw i

her a tight hug. The child started to cry. "What are you doing? Don't you know that hurting someone is a bad thing

ight to yell at my

hurting someone is bad because it seemed that you


eather. Miss, please teach her some manners." Maxi

ld is a brat!?" The mother yel

pset. She continued the yelling until other people's attention was caught

w minutes before letting them go back to their parents. "Come on, Alic

er. "I'm sorry for pushing you inside the w

okay. Apology accepted," she sai

nch to eat and take some rest. "Thank you for standing up for her

rt with other single moms in the field," s

y not be as smooth and perfect as it should be, but it sure

ep Heather. As she gave her a forehead kiss, she h

if everything was alright. The door was half-open when she reached the r

does it have to be this fast? Fuck, I like you

at she didn't even notice how Sta

e then put strands of her hair to the back of her ear. "All of

onal attachment with me is forbidden. I am your boss; you are

e. I want you." He cursed

It was far from the kisses they shared before or when Heather was around. It was more intim

eparated. "I want you," he breathless

rst time, she didn't make him stop. She let him consume all of her, giving up at his every touch. The nigh

rom the back. But since she was already too tired… she di

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