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The boy next Door.

The boy next Door.


Chapter 1 : Colton

Word Count: 1656    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

freshman yea

graduation parties. The three key ingredients for a kickass party are present-scantily clad chicks, plenty of free-flowing booze, and last but not least, parents conspicuously absent from the festivities. Never let it

ircling like sharks, waiting for an opportunity to home in on the action. Delicate hands stroke over my bare chest. An

r college next month. This is a carefully curated group I've trained

ne-I don't do

you can parley a one-night stand into a bone fide relationship, you've got t

morning. As long as everyone walks away feeling good at the end of the night, there's no reason

ngy chicks ne


oice purrs in my ear

rite over the years. Pretty face. Banging body. And has de

t elusive tri

n the action as she presses her sweet titties agains

er a threesome


der to try and say that you were under the impression we were exclusi

a flash of long blond hair from the corner of my eye. Before I can sto

e goes whip

a Wil

ell is she

dragging through the crowd like a ragdoll. By the stubborn set of Mia's jaw, my guess is that her bestie wasn't given much of a choice in regard to making an appearance. She look


deas on the matter. Even now, it's stirring in my boardshorts with interest, trying to rise to the occasion. Unfortunately for me, Alyss

a girl who knows what she wants and goes after it with

that is

also attending Wesley University this fall. At least there are ten thousand students on campus. With any luc

a of drunken classmates before locking on mine. I steel myself for that little zip of electricity to

of her is enoug

o accidently graze my wood with her fingers before making a

t my state of arousal ha

probably wouldn'

my head until I have no choice but to rip my gaze away from Alyssa. Once I meet

rtunately, that's no longer the case. As much as I wish it were othe

ing to shake these chicks off as my gaze fastens on Alys

attachments. When I fuck, I don't want to feel anything. I'

rent with her. Which is exactly why I

, I dissect her one

l is it abou

ure out that conundrum than I'm co

es than not, lit up with mischief and laughter. I'll be honest, she's not my usual type. I like a big booty and nic


ring, they add extensions, fake lashes, and have learned to apply influencer-level ma

but it's been there since I can remember. We're talking way back in middle school when I first

a. She was too d

bably bett

her sights locked on me and sh

ave a feeling it would be nothing short of amazing. The attraction between us has always been combustible. It sputters and sparks to life whenever we're in the same room togethe

hoves her way through the thick sea of half-naked bodi

but tha

s no bones ab

ibcage. As much as I want to run and hide to protect myself, I'm

own the same track, destined for a head-o

onders if I

myself. The closer she gets, the more I feel


unette's direction as she stumbles. Nope,

'll regret it in the morning and y

s a look of challenge enters her eyes. I straighten to my full height which is a good ten

us and the boisterous voices fade, I know


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