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The boy next Door.

Chapter 4 : Colton

Word Count: 1785    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

of sophomo

bother to wait for a response as he glares around the wide-o

nter in the middle of the second-floor scowls at

s mouth sinks at the corners.

who is now full-on glaring

it payback for something I did to you? If so, I'm sorry. All right? Whatever it is, I

t give me a few minutes. I need to che

ds bo

. And micro-econ makes me want to hurtle myself off a cliff. I

inds to a halt. I stop and raise a brow. I swear to God, if he's about to bitch and compl

lly, Beck is a laidback kind of guy. Nothing riles him up and he doesn't take life too seriously. I'm pretty sure tha

o get out of here

sn't r

t even think

g capable of harnessing his interest to thi

ding area until my gaze

just as I

y grew up together and are next door neighbors, she refuses to give him the time of da

me. "I'm going to see what Mia


efore I can spi


books spread out around her that she doesn't realize she's being stalked until he's hovering over

as expecting. He should ha

day. It's been that way since freshman year of high school. There are pl

g hung up on a girl who wa

this conversation on

ubborn. When he wants something, he goes after it until it

k with t

head before

have shot Beck down and we can get the hell out of here. Although, somethi

dust covering them before pulling each one out and thumbing through the pages. One peek at the ta

g econ

urn my head. My footsteps falter when I spot Alyssa sitting at a table buried in a corner of the business section. It's not exactly the most popular place for obvious reasons, but I guess if you're looking for a quiet area

t. I don't think I've ever seen Alyssa wear glasses be


r just as long. Fooling around with her after high school graduation was a huge mistake. One I regret. If I thought

pus where the dance building and her dorm as located. If I catch wind that she'

o stomp out my

stead of cautiously backing away, I take an unconscious step in her direction. Before I can think better of it, more distance gets

Alyssa stirs emotions inside me that I'd rather not have. There's something about her that draws me like a moth to a flickering flame. As

feel something. It's the very

ll kinds of fucked up a

fts and I realize she isn't alone. I straighten to my ful

on Da

a tea

k is she doi

reaches across the table and brush


not going

n my

pulling up alongside their table. Alyssa blinks out of her Jameson-induced haze as her gaze flickers toward me

every cell of my being. It takes every ounce of self-control no

ugh that one syllable. I want to rip his head off and shit down his throat.


lways b

s back against the chair. The movement has her

hate to beat the shit out of one of my own teammates, but I'll do it.

ne b


and throug

Whenever we run into each other, her attention has always been focused on me. Even i

u know

tly the way

concerned. I like knowing that even though I'm

make me

e it

t if she's been going out with other g

pine. I can't have Alyssa for myself, but I

know wha

it or not, he's treading

and folds his arms across his

own. "You two know each other?" I wince at the bite o

yssa says, beating him to the pun

t now. I jerk my head toward the stacks where w

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