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A mistake... a baby!

Chapter 2 New friend

Word Count: 1144    |    Released on: 03/03/2023

r while maintaining an intense concentration on her. The young girl became frightened because of the inten

promise not to harm you in any w

losed his eyes and just fo

before you go, I want you to know that you will be given two signs to let you know that he is your soulmate. I

n dazzlin

f situation. You have to come to terms with the fact that this someone will genuinely love you more than

ing, but at that moment, his fathe

going dark so

ished it." He removed the sweat off his forehead with a tissue

placed an order for new appliances and furniture. Aside from that, her father

hey were enjoying a meal at a well-known fast-food chain, not far from t

that lived in their flat has just move

oth the establishments and the schools are conveniently located nearby. Even while it is not as large as their property in the countryside, i

ve anymore. Benjamin, her father, will be

take care of getting somethi

ut proceeded to clean the du

o Eric, and there's a school just a few blocks away from our apartm

ur enrollment, are you comfortable going home alone yourself

ric, and he seemed like a decent old man. She turned around and aske

. If I don't look, our funds will run out. You know that I'm not a rich guy. You know tha

what her father is attempting to convey despite her age. Her

at you will be accepted,

is eyes. "Whew, I hope so, honey. I can't afford not to

her mother hadn't abruptly gone with a wealthy man and abandoned them, Alessandra'

er is not rich either, she has a nice profession. She is a sous chef in a popular hotel in their town. And she is just an only child. No

question of why some people ar


ad said yesterday. And he registered her in a private schoo

e place yet. She was afraid of being alone. Later on, Alessandra's father agreed to bring he

ioned her father as soon as he

e that they are going to email me about my job interview and tha

proposed that they should just go out and buy fast food because he was t

se driving their car because doing so would result in an additional expense and he is

lifestyle. Besides, taking a bus is not that horrible. And it's not expensive e

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