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A mistake... a baby!

Chapter 7 You two are crazy

Word Count: 1131    |    Released on: 03/03/2023

ave already gotten to know the man whom I believe will one day become my husband!" Cathryn

since he was receiving his training in a company. Whil

ncerned about it, Cath. We are still in our early years.

m feeling. Oh my goodness, he's just too adorable! I believe that if he thinks that I am bea

she laughed. "Di

dded proud

at did

ve some paper," She could

lready decided that he's the man of your dreams despite the fact that he just aske

uing. "Your eyes are like you're murdering me. S

ned her by saying, "Well, if you don't stop talki

that I was the only one who had a crush on some boys. Do I

have a thing for him. However, I am not su

re talking about the right guy." She poked fun at me this time by saying that "We haven't even starte

ere are telltale signs that can indicate whether or not he's the right man for me. Therefore, despite the

out loud! Don't put too much faith in fortune tellers. You can't put your faith in that to determine your future. It is not the reading of the palm or t

y predictions. "There's no reason for you to tell me that, Cathryn. I am aware of this. I will not base my future plans on it. B

The choice is yours. Do

o me. He told me that one of the signs is that the right guy will come along and save me. That man boasted to me that he was a brave man in s

hat, Sandy. Now, I want someone to tell me what the f

unexpected manner. It was clear to her from a quick lo

in the middle of his forehead. "Brother, why are you actin

ver I want, Cathryn. This place is also my home. And what exactl

husband, the man who has been chosen for her

xpression because she had anticipated

gether in a line, and his fac

r had to say to you! God! It is impossible for someone as naive as you to believe th

manner, "Whether or not I bel

ht. What difference does it make if Sandy has fa

for an answer from C

ere is no one who is poor and everyone is rich now. Cathryn, your friend who has been dreaming, I just wan

de one final statement. Because of this, she was in a state

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