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Author: Sereni

Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1757    |    Released on: 04/03/2023

and Ben Palmer had adopted Sage and Sean,Sage had been five years old and Sean eight,first Sean then her,she and Sean are pretty close and since both their parents had passed on th

since the birth of her adorable baby boys six months ago she had to drop out of college to find a job and look after them.In that time she h

and why you have

Sage has to move too,it's not like she can quit her job she needs it especially to take care of Liam and Logan and herself and her job as a cleaner pays h

et the job he has pays him next to nothing she was also helping him to pay the mortgage every month they cannot afford to lose the only house they grew up in and called home they owe it to Kristi

ey always give me a hard time.I'm gonna miss them

didn't sign up for h

egnancy and I was there when the twins were born and if I have to do it all over again I would.I'm their uncle and fa

na miss you too."She

he tell Sean she has no idea who their father was because she doesn't know his name or anything about him all she does remember is his handsome face,a face she'll never forget because he had given her a ni

my brother Se

It's a long drive.Call

as a cleaner the two of them have been friends for four years Gina is a personal assistant an

ou left without

her father had left them but Sean had said she can take the car because he won't need it,he had also surprised Sage with two second hand car seats for t

over to West lake Village and Liam had refused to stay in his car seat all he wanted was to be held,the second she did that then he was calm then Logan would began to fus

had a small kitchen that overlooked the living room,a bathroom and the room she shares with the twins,all in all there wasn't much room but

nd quiet most amenities is just around here,she and the boys can walk to the mall to do shopping and other stuff,restaurants and bars can be found at every corner the place itself was affordable that's why she hadn't hesitated to put down a deposit on thi

rk at night,at first Sage had work during the day when the company had been in Tampa Florida but when they got transferred here she had learned she's one of the tw

er neck.This is a reminder of her night with her sexy mystery man she'd found the necklace the following morning when she'd gone to take a shower,she'd seen him wearing it when they'd made love that whole night i

o he was she doesn't know.Where he could be she has no idea.All she does know is he had given her two precious gifts and that's her boys Liam and Logan and although they will

mother didn't know who it was she'd slept with countless of men without using protection until she had fallen pregnant with Sage.When she had been born her mothe

own daughter the pair never could have children that's why they'd adopted instead.Sage was happy that they were her parents and she misses them dearly they passed away two years ago i

ou."She said,wh

you to

nted to say goodbye to my

n that's why Gina calls them dark haired boys."I'm sorry but it was getting lat

cheeky he is.Have

xes before you called hopefully I'll get most

lf Sage,take rest when Liam and Lo

y toes again I hope I'll manage I don'

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