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Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 1507    |    Released on: 04/03/2023

pulled her aside."Would you mind if I leave you alone

not.How will

led a taxi it'

me so I can know you safe."Sa

said,Kim grab

ist and saw it was missing.When did it fall o

hispered,thinking wher

k if anyone h

e driven over it,she'll look now when she goes out."See you tomorrow."She searched where she'd dropped her purse but couldn't find anything,her feet are killing her sh

over her skin and shot down her spine slowly she turned to face him and saw he was holding her bangle in his hand."Brown

ed,he studied her for a long while dark grey eyes

her she had ended up naked in his hotel room, something happens whenever he touches her and if he can touch her now lord knows where they might end up ag

said."I was

s mushy. "I'd like to take you out to dinner."He said stunning her.He

croaked."I ca

n't you

abbed her bracelet out of his hand."Look Mr Romer

ay."We way past formal

you."She has to g

"He asked taking a step

e walked so fast as if her life depended on it the fact that she was wearing heels didn't matter,she'll only be able to breathe easy when she w

or when he climbed out.Only when they didn't move did she open her eyes to see what's going on,she gasped w

t to each other breathing in the same air.Her heart was beating so fast she feared it might jump out of h

s her voice have to quiver s

move from here until

ibly have to say to one anoth

to discuss especially why my

sence affect me.I d

e in her scent,she shut her eyes to block him out it was of no use,she became even more aware of him and what he was evoking deep within her,she could feel herself ache for him and whateve

e going into her hair she was breathing heavily,Sage clutched her purse tightly in her hands if she can touch h

r she can see it in his eyes and if he does that.. Sage doesn't want to picture what will follow next.Slowly his head

eathed."What a

so good,so right.He didn't rush,the kiss was slow,gentle,he tasted the inside of her mouth Sage allowed him to explore her,allowed his tongue entry to take what

his mouth plundered her lips,it urgently slashed across hers their mouths opened wider deepening the kiss,seeking more Sage held on as

about this strong need,never before has a woman made his blood rush with adrenaline,it's intense.He wanted her again

his seed deep inside of her,the last thing he needs is to make her pregnant.She's so responsive it drives him wild she was even more delicious

nother one of his mistresses.His hands cupped her breasts a soft moan came from her,she pressed herself into him the painful er

thing harshly he buried his face in her throat,taking in her scent."No."He groaned deeply."Not like this.Not here."H

le for them to be together."No."She murmured."I can't."She moved away

is erection,out of their own volition her hips buck forward,pressing down on his length needing to feel that contact again,the knowing grin on his face ang

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