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One night stand..

Chapter 8 : Gia

Word Count: 1449    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

Okay." Before he can respond, I add, "But onl

he bathtub, my bed, and a steaming cup of

ming home. I've spent the last five years renovating and decorating. I have everything exactly the way I want it. From the wooden porch that takes

credenza I found at a flea market two years ago and repainted. If memo

head into the living room before beelining to an armchair on the other side of the coffee table. Casually, I do a sniff test and hope tha

me. I wouldn't put it past him. Not with how much he's been texting and calling. I think he'd lik

is conversation started. He is the one, after all, who decided

s on his knees before glancing around th

had brought over, I'd felt the need to change things up.

say wit

s all the subtle changes I've made i

er if he's trying to butter me up. Little does he realize that it's not going to work. I'm happy on my o

nues to study his surroundings as I silently wait for his gaze to me

e without you." Softly, he adds, "I never should have let you go. As

m back. At that point, everything had been so fresh, and I was missing him. Our relationship hadn't been all bad. Tyler and I

there was absolutely no changing things up. No spice. It was like a well-orch

ave pushed

creative a

I didn't realize how amazing

I can't shake

dn't believe they existed. Before Liam, I assumed all the attraction and ridiculo

actly what it

e never felt such an instantaneous attraction to someone before. It's un

Did you hear what I said, Gianna? I love you. I want you back, baby." H

"Gia," I remind in a stiff to

ferred Gia. For the first year or so, I let it slide. After all, it wasn't a big deal. Certainly not a sticking poin

ds, clearly not understanding

We've talked about it. Numerous times. Which is ridiculous.

it fits you so well. Much bett

t I'm about to say a lot easier. "Tyler, this isn't going to work. You and I...we're just too different

tried playing the whole-i

ly brushe

admit it th


t? We're perfect for each other. We've always

o disagree on a particular subject, Tyler was an expert at steamrolling over my opinion. And I let him because

overinflated balloon. "Tyler, I wasn't

hands together until the knuckles turn bone white. A desperateness f

look. He promptly corrects himself

to a half-hearted smile. "See? Things c

ponse, Tango saunters into the living room before stopping short to eyeball t

ares at the sleek black ani

calmly as if it couldn

ne before he whispers in a strangl

ly become my fur baby. And guess what else? He's around way more than Tyler ever was, and he d

Tango i

's a ticking time bomb on the verge

t th


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