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One night stand..

Chapter 10 : Liam

Word Count: 1362    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

from all the bullshit running rampant through

rom his face. "Yup. I've be


fting at the gym, agility training, high protein diet, and no

ays a word about it, but you can tell when he takes a hard hit. A stoic expression will slide ove

ways played quarterback. I don't take hits like some of these guys do. The way they pummel the shit out of each other on the field, it's a wonder their freaki

mouth before I think better

re's no problem wit

h clearly says-don't ask

I do

jury continues to affect you is one of them. No professional football team wants to pick up a guy who is injury prone.

that ki

n years from now who doesn't remember his name or can't recognize his own kids because he took too many hits t

ng in a Pop Warner program since they were seven years old. It's all they

shift the conversation, "Heard you sign

chool with a top-notch football program that pumps out it

with. Where I'll end up playing. Blah, blah, blah. I ignore the chatter. I don't want anyt

an I do. Like Roan King. He's the real stud on campus. And before Ivy Kaster, the chic

hining down on me. I don't need people digging up shit about my family and pl

certain extent, I've also been a loner. I keep most people at a distance. No

ouchy subject, I say lightly,

nish up with our jog and

him as well, but the guy took a pass. I have no idea if t

your year." Dylan had every intention of entering the draft last year until he was sidelined by a

reluctant smile tips the corners of his lips as on

"Sure did. And we all know th

"I really hope not. I don't know what the he

. I have no idea what he majored in for the last four years. He's never talked about it.

not be basket weaving for idiots, but its damn close. I hope Dylan was more farsighted than that. I've seen my share of tale

their dreams are flus

etic scholarships have paid my way for the last three years. Unfortunately, my family can't afford to keep limping along financially. They're the reason I'll cu

along smoothly, and the next it can be turned upside down. I won't be one of those guys w

enough to live comfortably on, and

job isn't what I envisioned for my future." He gi

other things out there. Maybe you need to t

arping on me to join his firm. If the NFL doesn't work out, I'll probably get sucked into that. I'll sit

her. Dylan is in no frame of mind to hear what I have to say. I

be fine

the serious mood. "Hey, if Coach felt it i

hing I have ins

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