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King of Campus

Chapter 5 : Ivy

Word Count: 2039    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

onight. Will Roan King be making an appearance at a

ching dance at On Pointe. Spending two hours with all those little cuties was just enough balm to soothe away my run in with a certain douchebag jock earl



e plan he

again. My ass is seriously dragging. All I can imagine is taking a long hot shower,

wait for one either. Even thinking about that obnoxious a

losing them. Apparently, the colorful little dish set right nex


ding out to

uch the same way

y plan is to give one to Dylan since he oh-so-conveniently lives next door. Hopeful

s the key bowl, I yell, "I had the distinguishe

When I don't receive a response, I continue in a louder voice, wondering if maybe she's in her bedroom. "Talk about a to

ark as sin an


did that thou

ng ballet class, I pad down the hall before stepping into the living r

set belongs to my


all ma


d seriously give anything to be back in Paris right now. Stuffing my mouth wit

s in the middle of playing. Which is odd. I know enough about guys and video games to realize this is highly




ell is he

spit the words at him as my temper ignites. Why

face before he chuckles. "So you're t

s land on him again. Which, under different circumstances, I'd actually get a kick out of. He is, after all, a

ady met, Roan. He's one of my roommates." He jerks his head toward the other guy sitting quietly

m who rather smartly doe

o Dylan before I grit

heading out soo

ght, my gaze slides to a still smirking Roan befor

mfortably in his

e my head emphati

Roan before muttering under his brea

oommate. She's wrapped in an oversized tan-colored towel. Dylan yanks his gaze from

a couple first-day-of-school parties. Plus, we have to celebrate you finally getting your ass back to America." She makes

head. "No thanks. It's been a long day and I'm feeling jet lagged." Although I'm pretty damn sure I could have been cajoled into going

t so the door rattles on its hinges, I don't. The last thing I want is to give that egomaniac out there t


uy. It's totally unavoidable. Having a class with him for the rest of the semester is bad eno


cking p

to jackhammer to a new level. It's enough to have moisture gathering in my eyes. Five minutes later, there's a ge

your return to Barnett without you." Her lips tug up into a small s

ed. I think I'm going to shower, watch a little TV, an

ther word, she steps into the room before closing the door behind her. Then she plu

understand that something isn't right. Plus, I'm pretty much betting that Dylan fille

with Roan? What

ff. "Dylan said you two had some kind of run in," she

cle. By the end of my story, her lips are doing way more than twi

ch outrage as I can muster, "He's a total sel

e her bursting

insulting," I sniff before adding, "for all womankind." Nei

now. You're absolutely right. Totally insulting. Not just for

," I point out. "And you don't look the le

class in high school, so I'm kind of thinking she might be drawing from those skill sets instead of actual aggra

he actually goin

back to my place and have sex is indefensible." My cheeks actually hea


would do to him! He'd be lucky to li

l seething

ou had been around last year, you would understand. Girls follow him ever

poor Roan...so much attention. How does he stand it?" Then I roll my eyes. I'm sure he lov

was expecting you to be

o like that? He couldn't have cared less what my name was either. He made

d with him as well as the ones in class. They were all drooling. Ev

olely to him and what he's up to is completely

perfectly clear by the fact you were moments away from slicing off his bal

s balls being attached to his

end getting her ass back home where she belongs." Knowing exactly how to get what she wants, Lexie gives me a pleading look. "It'll be so mu

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