Trapped in his love
don't think I should be driving if I'm still see
ar and then she floors the gas pedal all the way, tailgating anything and everything in front of her. The ride is so nerve wr
m unnecessary walking. We say we'll meet back up for lunch
with Adams before locking on. Butterfly wings tickle my insides the way they do before big competitions. I re
inking I'm ignoring him after all the help he gave me yesterday, it's quite the opposite. I find myself not wanting to stop looking at him. Reprieve from the tension occurs wh
first period goes off. I remind myself that
g to leave. He is looking at something on his phone. Maybe HE is trying to spend more time in here because I'm here. I ho
site Tara and start eating from her tray. She rolls her eyes,
have the same as you."
dn't be able to use cr
at she always wears in braids and the most innocent blue eyes I'd ever seen. She is five foot
ree, "Who does
t Tara finds attractive in him. I guess I have to know the guy to get it. Tara frequently comments 'I
barely distract me from the blemishes the size of moon craters on his face. He gives the word acne a whole new
ee where Tara is in line, and that's when I start tripping out. ADAM is walking towards us carrying his tray of food. He helps himself to
o our table, and I cat
listen to the play-by-play details of Carter and Adam's last basketball game against Bishop Stracha
me. Once I found him staring passed me and I sensed someone standing be
ry angle, a shoe in for hair commercials. Her eyes, aren't as perfect because right now they are black with anger. She is holding her
u going to stop taking shit from h
looking for an answer, "You better go," I encourage