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The Prince's Bride

Chapter 3 Stranger

Word Count: 1238    |    Released on: 13/03/2023


roaching police van. Seeing the accident a few people gathered, which encouraged the girls to open the door and come out. The stranger helped

that there were female cops too, hence they took help from the police. Their car was towed

were like a blessing in disguise." Leena came

aired in the morning and next time better be careful while drivi

r after bidding them goodbye a

lower strings were hanging down. At the entrance, there was a beautiful statue of Lord Ganesha with an earthen pot and a dietitian in front of the s


s of the bride we ran to meet our frien

t?" Anjana, our friend, the bride, ran to us. Worry was laced on her fac

ve like one. Raj would think of you as a lesbian if you beh

aces. We cleaned the blood from our hands. After straightening ou

not be able to take his eyes from you.

h the bride. " Sheena joined h

ession) has arrived. Be ready Anjana. " Her

Do you need medical help? Should I call her fa

ne. No need to bother uncle. Spend some time with Anjana." Th

bride, her eyes filled with happy tears. She took some k

cessful in her new life. At any point in life, if you feel the need for a shoulder, I am always there. Be courteous but stand up against mistreatment. God bless you. We

They are not thinking of my ordeal. I'm feeling agitated seeing the delay.

top as it was getting late. The auspiciou

ide. Her parents welcomed me. Some rituals took place. I was getting impatient. Her brother came forward and accompanied me

iful wine color lehenga. Her dupatta(shawl) was draped on her head. She was looking like a goddess decked up in traditional jewelry. She was looking

crept on her face which increased her beauty. She was looking like a ripe strawberry and I fel

We were given the garlands which we exchanged. The rituals started. Her friends were teasing her. She was blush


hen Sheena's eyes fell on a familiar silhouette. She was surpr

Miss ac

e tapped the shoulder of the person who turne

met again accidentally."

again accidentally. Had I known that you were co

usting the cops and you would have joine

for me. We hugged each other and tears escaped from my eyes thinking that now my bestie is

t our car to the garage for r

Anaira and allotted all the household chores to her and went away. I felt bad for her and

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