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The Billionaire's Passion

The Billionaire's Passion


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1540    |    Released on: 13/03/2023

served green tea. In this very hot weather? It was so like Gra

it. It wasn’t long, though, before she lost herself in her own thoughts again. Instantly, she felt that du

r, she reminded h

n, d

er. Chan, which was a shortened version of Chandra, Grandma Lin had told her when she’d been a child meant “the m

ed the elderly woman s

ull of wisdom and enlightenment—boring

t another loved

ht smile, her hands grippin

her’s side of the family, who she fondly called Grandma Lin. The kind, gent

as well. The second sister Dara’s name meant the star, because she’d been born in the early dawn when the star of Venus was shining bright amongst the

ny years before Grandma Lin. Their mom passed away from cancer when Chan was

mother’s best friend. “She asked me to come and see you. She was quite persistent.” She chuckled a little at the reminder of G

t friend. And now she has left me.” She sighed. “But for you, my dear, it is best

bowing her head. “But I

r fingers under Chan’s chin, which surprised her, and urged the

ensely. The old woman was staring at her smooth, round for

she said. “You’ve

as talking about. She knew for certain she didn’t have a beautiful face, nor had s

te,” Grandma Su said. “A

ally help herself and had to as

face,” Grandma Su said. “Ah, ph

k,” she said. She didn’t think

e,” Grandma Su said with a note of conce

asked, her heart sk

sked me to read your fortune two years ago.

t w

ar, she was conc


your future, Chan, about your career, your heal

t w

ill be challenges, like I said, but every relationship needs work, dear, so you must trust yourself. You must trust you

he is out there, very bright, just like the sun. Yes, he i

t like a small bird would, scrutinizing the young woman. “Ah, you will be a t

e I understand what

e captured your interest. Do you wan

really. She glanced do

ced the blush. She chuckl

stand, dear, once you’ve met him. And very soon, too. Now then, come along. I will show you my

ate of hers. Then again, she’d already made up her mind to never marry or enter a relationship. It was just too toxic. Relationships were toxic. Love was

He’s not here, she told herself. You’re as

tepped into the beaut

,” the woman said, nodding her head. “It w

mother had died. Well, there were still Amie, their dad’s second wife, their stepmother, and of course Lisa, their stepsister. Perhaps, Chan thought, she should

an feared and hated most. The one who had whispered empty

reminded herself, You are far, far away from

I’ve known for a long time no

w because she was so wise, just like Grandma Lin, who’d known for a long time the torment of her granddaughter’s secret. Sh

tter as she was led about the large garden. Once Grandma Su had given her some of her pre

More importantly, she didn’t believe she had a soul mate. But then, why did she have the sudden feeling it was time? That

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