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Lewis Rand

Chapter 3 FONTENOY

Word Count: 3111    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

any other springtime of any other year. In France the consular chrysalis was about to develop imperial wings. The British Lion and the Ru

ward of that movement seventeen of the United States of America pursued the uneven tenor of their way. Washington had been dead five year

the skies, men might shudder and turn to a private hearth, or they might give loosest rein to desire for Fame. In the columns of the newspapers, above the name of every Roman patriot, each party found voice. From a lurid background of Moreau's conspiracy and d'Enghien's death, of a moribund English King and Premier, of Hayti aflame, and Tripoli insolent, they thundered, like Cassandra, of home woes. To the Federalist, reverencing the dead Washington, still looking for leadership to Hamilton, now so near that fatal Field of Honour, unconsciously

eze. The land was rolling and red in colour, with beautiful trees and narrow rivers. Eastward it descended to misty plains, westward the mountains rose, bounding a noble landscape of field and forest. For many years the axe had swung and trees had fallen, but the forest yet descended to the narrow roads, observed itself in winding streams

dipped at last into a hollow halfway between the house and the lower gates, and overtook two you

you running away,-all of us white folk, and the overseer and Mammy Chloe! If you climb this willow, the dogs w

with promptitude upon the ground. "Heap de beech leaves an' de oak leav

with frantic haste. "Oh, it's the ghost in the tobacco-house! it's a roc

for dey don' grow dyar. Gawd A'moughty, lis'en to de river roarin'! I's

e Ark! The finders are in it, and the dogs and the guns! Let us pray! O Jesus, save Miranda, even though it i

e? Answer me dat! I knows what de Lawd gwine say. He gwine say, 'Run for it, niggah!'

you, Mister

you, my o

n'bird co'tin'

frog gruntin'

snake trabellin

wine see dis n

te fust, you gwine lemme hol' dat

in sunlight. Box, syringa, and honeysuckle environed it, and a row of poplars made a background of living green. It had tall white pillars, and shallow steps leading down to a gravelled drive. The drive was over-arched by elm and locust, and between the trees was planted purple lilac. All of fresh and fair and tender met in the late April weather, in the bright and s

ry, Marse Fairfax Cary, an' dat brack n

he Federalists win, the crops will be good, and General Washington and my father and my grandfather will

run open de big gate. Dey two ge

aughed and tossed a coin to Miranda, who bobbed and showed her teeth, while his elder brother stooped gallantly to the pretty child of the house he w

"I could stand upon the toe of your boot, and hold by Pluto's mane, a

Ludwell Cary. "Ah, well sprung, Proserp

t like the wind back to the gate, where Ludwell Cary

ood luck, Daffy-down-Dilly!" he

rnestly. "I hope that y

that feasible? I don't

e Court House? Uncle Edward said tha

cried the elder. "Has Lewis Rand a cloven hoof? I've

r answered cheerfully. "Best ride on. He'l

ly or late, the result will be the same

-roller's son!" g

old Gideon rolled tobacco with all his might. As for his son, his worst en


ut I don't think he loves violence. Well,

d, the horses began to canter, and, the leafy road bending sharply, the party for t

ou wuz in de schoolroom. An' Lan' o' Goshen! Jes' look

e Edward says it is the duty of every gentleman to vote against this damned upstart and the Democrat-Republican party.

its. Long windows opened to the April breeze, and from above the high mantel a Churchill in lovelocks and plumed hat looked down upon Jacqueline seated at her harp. She was playing W

he child, "do you be

upon her sister. "I don't know, honey," she s

but he doesn't believe in the Devil. Then why do

do not like Republicans, nor Mr. Jefferson, nor Mr. Jefferson's friends. Mr. Lewis Rand is Mr. Jefferson's friend, and he i

t like him either," said

ry is his polit

called him a damned

be thankful to have so informed a mind and he

an's a man for a' that.' Wha

"that-that man stamps the g

bout the poor boy who lived on the next place-and the apple tree and the little stream where you played, and the mockingbird he gave you. And how


were grown, and you saw the poor boy again-only he was a man-and his father was dead, and h

rgotten th

ine? I have gotten my feet wet. Will you tell Mamm

st, but he had the art to keep his friends. There were duels to his account, as well as a reputation for great courage and coolness during the late war. Under the name of Horatius he contributed to The Virginia Federalist diatribes of a polished ferocity against the Democrat-Republicans and their chief, and he owned Mustapha, the noblest race-horse of the day. He wa

nnounced, standing in the parlour

rden, and the box smelled strong and sweet. The Major plucked a sprig and studied it as though box were a rarity. "I have found," he said, "Ludwell Cary's visit hig

him very much. How well he talks! And travel

r, your father and your Uncle Dick and I used to plan-well, well

His eyes are especially fine. I li

and principl

ght after supper he read to Unity and me. He reads extremely well. The book w

o matter if he is defeated. Every gentleman applauds him. You women adore victory, but l

, "that Mr. Pincornet holds the da

d! Ludwell Cary is a man an

said Ja

nx was a woman, and every woman is an incarnate

him. I like h

ankered! And it's time that Dick and I were off. We vote-" he put his shapely,

aid Jacqueline.

m between the white pillars Deb and Jacqueline watched them go. Colonel Dick's wife was an invalid, and lay a

aid Deb, "whom

not vote

did vote,

ine, "how Lady Mary Wortley Mont

stions, but I'm not crooked! Will Mr. Lewi

ne. "Unity is going to wear her yellow jaconet, and I shall wear white. I

rnelian ring-and the flowered sc

ng, Deb. The sunlight is so strong. I think I'

our hea

d Jacqueline, and w

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