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My ungrateful husband

Chapter 3 We get married

Word Count: 1081    |    Released on: 19/03/2023


sh b

here...am so sorry for your loss sweetie." Clare my best frien

er to cry on...am really glad you came to b

are a lot of people down stairs and in those pe

.what do you mea

lton...he's here." sh

me...i didn't leave him there whe

re turning red!! I l guess i should call him in here so

because he and dad were business partners for long and he came to definitely pa

e you and i know how he used to look at you whenever he came here and you also looked at

o much going on right now." I

i first heard the news i couldn't believe it cause a few

d that those men who shot them were working for some of my dad's business rival...and right now the police they're trying to tr

am so sorry for your loss once again

ll i had in my life,were my parents and now that they're

re and crying when we h

it be??"

check it out cause for me i don't want

and opene

eard a man's voice

nside." Clare

ke to talk to her if sh

d her not to allow him inside but

n." she opened the door w

from way back and whenever he is around me,i feel uncom

check on something downstairs...

ld like both of you to hear wha

staying then let's hear what

n't have to keep standing."

life and i dont think i will ever get anyone like him in my life again...your dad was so inspiring in

e so too."

m from anyone else...uhm your dad had a huge loan in the bank and he had offered this house as collateral se

settle the loan?? cause this is my home...i can't

he's just here to deliver the information so do

ou...it's just that this is

that aside,another issue is abo

ed serious and i am now mor

ill happen when they do that....the company will be no more and yet your d

erally going to collapse cause this is really too much for me

on at hand cause Ciara is now freaking

g to be there to run the company like your dad and that you don't look to be responsible....so i was thinking that we get

e for real!!!??...of all solutions,why

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